Easier Opening in Deviantart Notification Center
Deviantart Entry: http://fav.me/ddj9drw
Eclipse Version Dev_Multi_Open of http://fav.me/d3f9ur1
One of my oldest userscript. ^^
Features of this script:
* Draggable selection for your Feedback and Watch.
* Button to open all selected items in new tabs
* Button to open all items in a stack (grouped by artists) in new tabs
* You need to allow "popups" from deviantart.com for the script to open more than one window
* "Open in new Tab" does not work on stacked items (only single items)
* Opening too many tabs at once can freeze or crash your browser
* Open-Button works on deviations, group-entries, journals, polls and status update
* Selection on feedback works for Advanced and Simple Layout