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DeviantArt direct download image JS - Makes "download image" open in same window not in new little one
DA Icon Desuckifier JS - Reverts deviantART's new ugly icon to the old good one.
DeviantArt More From Hider JS - For those that open far more tabs than your browser can handle (stupid x86 memory limits), this script hides the "More From" sidebar elements but adds button that toggles them on and off
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
CleanDeviantart JS - clean invisible publicity and anti-adblock on deviantart
Deviantart better downloaded file names (public version) JS - Deviantart
- always redirect to Gallery ALL JS - When you land on a user page, instantly go to the user's Gallery/All page.
Deviantart V7 (pre eclipse) theme beta CSS - Makes look less terrible
DeviantArt Login Bypass JS - Replaces blurred images on DeviantArt pages with the actual image
dAmnGotMail JS - Automatically refresh your dA messages.
dA - dATitleCleaner JS - Sets a standard "dA: something" title for all deviantART pages
(dm) Deviant Art Gallery Ripper (old slowmode) JS - Click button and generate a list of direct image link urls for all images for a users gallery.
AMALL JS - makes giving back Llamas on way easer
dA_clear_corrs JS - clears expired/rejected/approved messages from your correspondence
da_devfolder JS - folders for deviation notifications
dA_ignore JS - ignores people on dA
dA_quick_img_pop JS - Displays buttons beneath each deviationon its submission site, so you can easily see how much resonance a picture got!
dA_signature_visibility JS - alter appearance of signatures
dA_top_menu_links JS - additional liks in the top-bar
dAhub_MessageCenter_ContestWidget JS - integrates dAhub's contest-feature into your messagebox!
dev_broken_thumbs JS - remove broken thumb-code within your custom-boxes on deviantart.
dev_hide_critique JS - shortens critiques until you click them
dev_journal_filter JS - let you filter your journals in your journal-edit-page
Dev_Multi_Open JS - Open all selected deviations at once!
dev_note_search2 JS - searching notes!
dev_star_com JS - keep an eye on selected comments!
Dev_User_inf JS - displays current status of users and if you're watched by them
DeviantArt Friend List Helper JS - Allows better management of users in dA friend lists.
dev_note_search JS - Let you search in your notes! Regexp available!
autogive_lama JS - on deviantart, when giving a llama and password remembered, this will click the window away for you. especially useful with random-llama-button
dA_clear_watchlist JS - experimental userscript: checks user that watch you how long they have been inactive. was dismissed in this state. originally planned: temp. block users that were offline too long so they "unwatch" you.
Deviantart Activity Filter JS - For the activitiy-notification (not -feed) to filter for llamas, watches, favourites etc.
Endless deviantart gallery pages JS - rt
dA_Channel_Footer JS - displays a channel as footer on all pages
ThumbCollectV3 JS - This script allows you to quickly collect thumb-codes on deviantart, and grab usernames
DeviantArt - Iframe embedding JS - Allows external content to be displayed on DeviantArt.
DeviantBlocker JS - DeviantArt gallery - block images from selected artists in Eclipse
deviantART DeviationWatch Load All JS - Loads all deviations in Inbox DeviantWatch
DeviantArt: Show artist names under thumbnails JS - Show the artist's name under thumbnails on the browse and search pages
dA: Rainbow Llama JS - Adds an extra badge to every profile and group you see. <p>Credit to ginkgografix for the original code. <p>This has been made with permission from her. <p>Find the original userscript here: <p>See it on dA here:
DeviantArt Night Mode JS - A Night mode for DeviantArt
DeviantART Details Raised JS - Makes details section more prominent by moving it up to below the download button.
dev_group_list2 JS - Better Submit-to-group dialog
Dev_Multi_Open2 JS - Easier Opening in Deviantart Notification Center
DeviantArt Eclipse - Extras JS - Redesign
Top Button for deviantart JS - Read the name
DeviantArt Gallery RSS JS - Add RSS link in DeviantArt galleries
SPAM JS - So Pictures A Many! ... Shh, it's a perfect acronym. This script will hide a comment when it contains more than 3 images / embeds, with the option to show it anyway. With 6 images or more, it gets deleted.
dA_DragnFav JS - drag thumbs and deviations to yur favourites/collections
dA_dragFullscreen JS - drag too large image in fullscreen
dev_Top_Menu_Links2 JS - User defined links in top menu
dA_zoomImage JS - better zoom for images in deviation-view
Better Gallections JS - Do horizontal folders bother you? What about those huge titles and wasted space?
Better Gallections alt JS - Some visual updates to galleries and collections.
DA Logo to Watch (DYW) JS - When clicking the logo, the site usually takes you to the Home page, aka. the recommended feed. This script will change the link to lead to the Deviants You Watch page instead. If you are already there, it will go to the home page as normal.
dA_archive_notes JS - archive the notes
DA Logo to Watch (Old Watch) JS - When clicking the logo, the site usually takes you to the Home page, aka. the recommended feed. This script will change the link to lead to the Watch page instead. If you are already there, it will go to the home page as normal.
dA_FilterNotifications JS - filter notifications by type
I don't wanna welcome new deviants. CSS - Maybe you just aren't a social butterfly.
dA_sort_gallery JS - Sorting gallery folder pictures
dA_fav_search JS - Search within favourites
DeviantArt Search Galleries and Favorites JS - Creates a search function that works on artist galleries and favorites collections. Search by deviation title and artist name. Numerous sorting options.
Direct Link JS - Replace the redirect links with direct links
Reddl JS - Reddit Preview Ctrl+s Downloading Utility - also applies to a few other sites - Only tested on Firefox
dA_showAIOnThumb JS - Display on thumbnail that art was generated using AI!
DeviantArt - media download helper JS - DeviantArt - Download multi-image deviations. Download largest resampled media file (useful if no original download is available). Fix timeout of original image download. Download filenames are prefixed with artist's name.