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Youtube Automatic BS Skip

A script to deal with the automatic skipping of fixed length intros/outros for your favourite Youtube channels.

< Feedback on Youtube Automatic BS Skip


Posted: 2023-04-02

If I understand the intention of your script correctly, then you might wanna look at SponsorBlock.
It was received well and works greatly: https://sponsor.ajay.app/
HN discussions:

Posted: 2023-04-07

The author JustDaile replied on another duplicate thread https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/463067-youtube-automatic-bs-skip-edited/discussions/176176#comment-380855

Blocking sponsored content isn't the point of this script.
Its point is to skip intro's and outro's that some creators fix to each of their videos.

I totally agree, I want to skip only those uninspired and embarrassingly badly produced intro clips of some of my fav creators. I do not want to skip any sponsored ads, I want to support the creators so I fear skipping them damage their income. In fact I am interested to see what they come up with coz ads could be lighthearted, funny and refreshing sometimes.

Posted: 2023-11-14

So in case you didn't know, you can customize SponsorBlock and pick which categories are skipped. So if you wanted you can actually not skip sponsors at all, but only skips intros/outros.
That being said, you have to either set the intro/outro per video yourself, or wait for other people to set the intro/outro for the video before you watch it.
This is why I love BS skip, I set the intro/outro for the entire channel, and it will skip the intro/outro for every video that channel.

This means I can even use sponsorblock in adjacent to BS Skip. I set the intro/outro skip per channel and then do the sponsors skip and take advamtage of both options.

Posted: 2023-11-14


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