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Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Removes the nagging login popups and banners from mobile and desktop versions of Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter, Quora, VK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitch and from the mobile versions of Youtube and TikTok.

< Feedback on Login reminder popup remover (developement ceased - not up to date)

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2021-09-04

ask.fm fix scroll

add this to the if statement for ask.fm document.body.className = document.body.className.replace("open", "closed") it fixes the scrolling

Posted: 2021-09-05
Edited: 2021-09-05

Hi, thank you for the suggestion! I'm currently working on a big update for this script. I currently have no problems with the scrolling, but just to be sure: which browser are you using that you can't scroll? Is the scrolling blocked by the login popup?

Posted: 2021-09-09
Hi, thank you for the suggestion! I'm currently working on a big update for this script. I currently have no problems with the scrolling, but just to be sure: which browser are you using that you can't scroll? Is the scrolling blocked by the login popup?

Im on the latest chrome version.
The scrolling is blocked by that class, and that class is added when the popup opens.

Posted: 2021-09-09

Do you mean the "lightbox-open" class? If this is the case, check the new update (v2.1.0), the scripts now removes it when the popup is removed.
If you don't have a "lightbox-open" class, but just "open" class, can you send me a screenshot of what you see? It might be different from what I get.

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