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Google Image Direct View

A different take on Google direct image viewer

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Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2022-09-23

No longer working reliably, fails on some sites

Example URL (shortened): https://is.gd/mnfxQ5

FF 105 + Tampermonkey

Posted: 2022-09-23

More info: hovering shows the image URL, but clicking or copying gives the site URL

Posted: 2022-09-23

Also, the weirdest thing: if I close the opened tab and click on the image again, it will open the image.
The first click doesn't work, but subsequent ones do.

Posted: 2022-09-23

I checked it and the links seem to be updating fine but the issue is with those sites themselves.

Posted: 2022-09-23

If it was an issue with the site, why would it work the second time I click on the image?
This makes no sense.

Posted: 2022-09-23
Edited: 2022-09-23

I checked it and the links seem to be updating fine but the issue is with those sites themselves.

Seems like Google has changed the code again. Yesterday, I opened the image link and it opens in two tabs... in other situations, it opens the webpage rather than the image link... so it has to do with Google's code again.

(I did the same situation right now and it opens two tabs (image and the main link) when clicking on the image, so it has to do with Google's change of code.)

Posted: 2022-09-23

The console is full of " Warning: react-fast-compare does not handle circular references. InternalError too much recursion" that keeps recurring until I close the tab

Posted: 2022-10-03

I am looking into this. I noticed same error intermittently in Google Chrome as well. So far, I'm not sure what is causing the issue because the script "seems" to doing what it is supposed to.

If anyone got any clues, let me know.

Posted: 2022-10-03

I am looking into this. I noticed same error intermittently in Google Chrome as well.
So far, I'm not sure what is causing the issue because the script "seems" to doing what it is supposed to.

If anyone got any clues, let me know.

I've did try that... in some cases the first click goes to the website, the second link go to the image link. So there is a change on Google code and on the script code too.

Posted: 2022-10-03

Maybe the first click triggers something that the script catches? An event that used to be sent earlier?

Posted: 2022-10-03

Maybe the first click triggers something that the script catches? An event that used to be sent earlier?

Yeah exactly. Seem like its script issues since Google changed (maybe) the code.

Posted: 2022-10-16

I have updated the userscript with a fix. It seems to be working for the most part.

Do check and let me know if you are still facing this issue.

Posted: 2022-10-16

I have updated the userscript with a fix. It seems to be working for the most part.

Do check and let me know if you are still facing this issue.

The script is fixed when it is NOT in private browsing. In private browsing, it shows a different story, because Google changes codes.

Posted: 2022-10-17

Nope, same behaviour: first attempt goes to web page, second goes to image.
Tested on: https://is.gd/f5CBbe

Posted: 2022-10-17

The updated script works fine for me in Firefox v105.0.3 with Greasemonkey v4.11. Thanks!

Also works for me with the link given by lurker.

Posted: 2022-10-17

Doesn't work for me with FF 106 beta and Tampermonkey 4.18.0
May be my settings, but I don't know what to check.

Posted: 2022-10-17

Doesn't work for me with FF 106 beta and Tampermonkey 4.18.0
May be my settings, but I don't know what to check.

I think that I have figured it out. Changing the injection mode to default seems to have solved it, but I am getting strange r###lts on some pages.

For example, on https://is.gd/FBOjsl
It says that the image is 5000x5000, but clicking on it brings me to a thumbnail.

Posted: 2022-10-17

When that happens, it's a block on the server side. The site is restricting the full image to those who load the actual website. There's nothing that the author of this script can do about that.

Posted: 2022-10-17
Edited: 2022-10-17

More issues:

1) Go to https://is.gd/OgTxFV
Scroll down to "Pages that include matching images"
Try clicking on the thumbnails on the right
They open a web page, not an image.

2) Script constantly scanning the page. See attached image

3) Cannot initiate a search-by-mage from the target images. Tried 2 different add-ons with several supported search engines, all of them report that the image is inaccessible.
If I copy the url into a new tab, everything works fine.

Posted: 2022-10-17
Edited: 2022-10-17

When that happens, it's a block on the server side. The site is restricting the full image to those who load the actual website. There's nothing that the author of this script can do about that.

Does not seem to be the case.
The image is https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/community/fy22/community-townhall/warden-fanart/Warden_Acey.jpg and loads just fine without loading the site.
The picture in the search page directs to a different link: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf2vBOJJ2PVXbd7xW8p9PICvoldYJMHWcUKA&usqp=CAU

Posted: 2022-10-17

More issues:

1) Go to https://is.gd/OgTxFV
Scroll down to "Pages that include matching images"
Try clicking on the thumbnails on the right
They open a web page, not an image.

2) Script constantly scanning the page. See attached image

3) Cannot initiate a search-by-mage from the target images. Tried 2 different add-ons with several supported search engines, all of them report that the image is inaccessible.
If I copy the url into a new tab, everything works fine.

None of this occurs in my setup. It sounds like something specific to Tampermonkey.

When I open one of the pages, I can confirm the script isn't constantly scanning the page. I'm pretty sure the script isn't designed to open those images directly on those pages, so opening the page seems normal.

I can also right click those small images and search it successfully using the Search by Image addon.

Posted: 2022-10-17

When that happens, it's a block on the server side. The site is restricting the full image to those who load the actual website. There's nothing that the author of this script can do about that.

Does not seem to be the case.
The image is https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/community/fy22/community-townhall/warden-fanart/Warden_Acey.jpg and loads just fine without loading the site.
The picture in the search page directs to a different link: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf2vBOJJ2PVXbd7xW8p9PICvoldYJMHWcUKA&usqp=CAU

Hmmm, that's interesting. I'm guessing it's probably something Google is doing. The script can only get what Google lets it have. My guess is Google is doing this for certain images, but no idea what the criteria is; maybe too large of an image, or certain domains trigger it?

Posted: 2022-10-17

When that happens, it's a block on the server side. The site is restricting the full image to those who load the actual website. There's nothing that the author of this script can do about that.

Does not seem to be the case.
The image is https://www.minecraft.net/content/dam/community/fy22/community-townhall/warden-fanart/Warden_Acey.jpg and loads just fine without loading the site.
The picture in the search page directs to a different link: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf2vBOJJ2PVXbd7xW8p9PICvoldYJMHWcUKA&usqp=CAU

Sorry for replying twice on this, but I guess I missed the super short edit time for my previous post. If I open one of those images in a new tab, it shows as "data:image/jpeg;base64" followed by a huge string. It's doesn't seem to be a normal hosted image. I guess the particular addon I use can cope with that by uploading to the search engine?

Posted: 2022-10-17
3) Cannot initiate a search-by-mage from the target images. Tried 2 different add-ons with several supported search engines, all of them report that the image is inaccessible.
If I copy the url into a new tab, everything works fine.

Here's a walk-through (firefox):

1) Open https://is.gd/Qoa6Gf
2) Middle-click on the image on the right, a full-size image opens in a new tab (for example, I got https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeG2p8eakAATqKc?format=jpg&name=large)
3) Right click on the full-size image, and use a reverse-image-search extension (for example, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/image-search-options)
4) The search engine will complain that the image is inaccessible. Note the url (for a google search, I got https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZis4xR8580Ivrnv0D4kjVH32zt71Q1ej0Z1yknnINz1Jjm4JVu7yn-rna0diqkC2KzwpYYWllE1RcLkyvSPWRp5P_15mHxA)
5) Copy the URL of the full-size image from step 2 and open it manually in a new tab (again, the url was https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FeG2p8eakAATqKc?format=jpg&name=large)
6) Repeat step 3 on the new tab
7) The search engine will not complain. Note the url, which is different from the one in step 4 (for a google search, I got https://www.google.com/search?tbs=sbi:AMhZZiuRnnR_1Mjq5U61ehOSp7jCK9G0SoIp_1nqzwDscMQeEteXs0GP3Su85xSXI7ZQ04YBu3XtR1jL8_10APWyk_1SER7a0jtCCosQumsEWDpUndv_1IJOmAdAKQBOSvk8U_1LqJdEf4EOiqSR6Nzhfk_1Q2piB03RYGhKvXCHc-cRYmv9al3ERfAulfYutBGRFfpzkUOUJBBMSNoy3Ze2tmAmICAsxQtRSDqDXAK7TleMUj4XH_1Vdr9XPKiuJ6VSMHcs-fxkx9HNZgvz4uo7SAMQhKhpmSkPtREfrYhvRJEMm90VIwOUd2B67fdoaT3gAdTNMwTF6aCjM5oRq9yTGVf7qr5oVkTOXPPIFg)

Posted: 2022-10-17

I just tried it, and no problems with the Search by Image extension (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/). Maybe try that one?

Posted: 2022-10-17

I have that extension installed. It will also fail if you set the search mode to "select url" rather than "select image". There is a difference between them, and "select image" is not always appropriate.

See https://addons.mozilla.org/user-media/previews/full/263/263059.png?modified=1635854425

Posted: 2022-10-17

I have that extension installed. It will also fail if you set the search mode to "select url" rather than "select image". There is a difference between them, and "select image" is not always appropriate.

See https://addons.mozilla.org/user-media/previews/full/263/263059.png?modified=1635854425

Mine is set to the default "select URL" option, and I don't have the issue you do, so don't know what to tell you. I think your issues are specific to using Tampermonkey, as I just don't have the issues you do. At this point, I'm going to step back from the conversation, as I don't think I'm really adding anything or helping. Hopefully the script author can figure out what exactly is going on and fix it for you.

Posted: 2022-10-18

For what it's worth, I appreciate your participation and coming up with ideas. So thank you.

Posted: 2022-10-18

I am also using Search by image addon and see no issues.

Are you sure you are waiting for the script to update the image url before right/middle clicking on the image?

Once you click on an image r###lt, please wait a couple seconds. Hover your mouse over the big image on the right hand side. It should show "Image URL updated!"

Then if you click on the image or right click to reverse search it should work.

Posted: 2022-10-19

OK, just to make sure it is not my setup, I did the following:

1) Created a new Firefox profile (I am running FF developers edition 106)

2) Installed Search By Image from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/search_by_image/

3) Installed GreaseMonkey from https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/

4) Installed the script from https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/398189-google-image-direct-view

No customization, everything is at defaults.

5) Navigated to https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Why+We+Love%E2%80%94And+Loathe%E2%80%94The+Humble+Pig%22&tbm=isch

6) Clicked on the 2nd image (size 374x250)

7) Got the image on the right: https://www.google.com/search?q=%22Why+We+Love%E2%80%94And+Loathe%E2%80%94The+Humble+Pig%22&tbm=isch#imgrc=4OVt9rmdZPlRdM

8) Waited for "image url updated" and middle-clicked on the image, the full size image loaded in a new tab

9) Right clicked on the full-size image, selected "Search by image" and "google"

Got this screen:

Posted: 2022-10-19

... continues

10) Copied the link from step 8 and pasted it into a new tab: https://i.natgeofe.com/n/3196357c-b9ff-45f3-98d6-9b02517429f9/01booktalkpig.jpg?w=374&h=250

11) Right-clicked on the image, selected "Search by image" and "google"

Got this screen:

Posted: 2022-10-19

... continues

So I am getting the same problem on a new profile, with two different script managers (Tampermonkey and Greasemonkey), and two different search addons.
The only constants are the browser and the script. I believe the script is at fault.

Posted: 2022-10-19

I just tried following your steps, and still not running into the same issue. I cannot say what is going on on your end, but it's definitely not a universal problem.

Posted: 2022-10-19
Edited: 2022-10-19

Also, you say you're running a developers version. This might be the problem. I think you really need to try the standard version and see if the problem still occurs. If it doesn't, then it's likely something specific to the bleeding edge version. It could be a deliberate/permanent change that scripts/addons will have to adapt to, or it could be a bug. Either way, until you try the standard version, I doubt the script author can really help.

Posted: 2022-10-19

It seems to come and go... Maybe something that google does. Weird.

Posted: 2023-05-10

Well, this script seems to be acting weird again for me. I'm using the current version of Firefox with the Greasemonkey plugin.

1) It never seems to get past the "Image Loading...Wait..." that shows when hovering over the picture, even if it seems to have loaded correctly.

2) Many times when clicking on the picture, it will only open a small image. If I go to another picture, then back to that same one, it works properly.

3) Regardless of the situation, if I right click on the picture and select open in new tab, it seems to always open the correct picture.

4) About half the time when I click on a picture, it will not open in a new tab, but rather opens in the same tab.

Am I the only one experiencing these issues?


Posted: 2023-05-19

I have updated and refactored the code. Please try installing the new version 3.5 and let me know if it is working again.

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