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(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+

Auto-fullscreen, skip intros, jump to next episode, 9anime on Vidstream and MyCloud videos (Auto-1080p in configuration panel)

< Feedback on (9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2020-11-24

Most of the time auto fullscreen doesn't work when 9anime automatically goes to the next episode. Only really works when I manually go to the next episode.

Posted: 2020-11-24

hmm, I know it auto fullscreens on every video for me and another person... how old is your computer? Wonder if it's a processing speed issue. First, I would try opening a new Chrome user profile, installing Tampermonkey, uBlock Origin and the script again, test if that works.

Posted: 2020-11-25

Tried the making a new chrome user profile, didn't seem to work. Didn't work with all the same plugins in Firefox either. I have a pretty new computer as well with a Ryzen 3700x Processor, so I don't think its a processing speed issue at least in terms of hardware. I did notice an error in the console though relating to the player variable. Is there a discord server where we could discuss this in an easier way, I'm wondering if some changes to the setTimeout functions might be able to fix the issue? P.S. this script used to work for me in the past.

Posted: 2020-11-25

I think this might possibly be the culprit

Posted: 2020-11-25
Edited: 2020-11-25

I don't use discord much, so here is fine. This script won't work in Firefox as I wrote in the Info page's first line "(Firefox / ViolentMonkey incompatible)"
The errors you're seeing are part of the voodoo magic that always takes place, it's normal, it has to do with the script running on 9anime's page and the video's iframe, the iframe takes time to load so it can't find the duration at first.

Hmm, I would like to help, not sure what else it could be though. Here is something I mentioned on the Kissanime version of the script:
"► Due to newer browser security, a user must interact with a page before fullscreen will work.
This means that for the first time opening a video page, you should click anywhere empty on the page while the video loads. Afterwards, all other episodes in the session will automatically play in fullscreen." Or you could just reload the page. Usually, I think people just deal with it for the first video.

I haven't heard this happening on every page for anyone else though... I'll see if I can think of anything else that can help.

"this script used to work for me in the past."

Can you think of anything that might have changed?

Posted: 2020-11-25

Alright, Ill do some digging around too. Thanks

Posted: 2020-11-25

I think it was over a year ago that it worked, so I can't really think of what changed.

Posted: 2020-11-25
Edited: 2020-11-25

wait.. working on something...

Posted: 2020-11-25

here's what I suggest testing, search for this in the code, change the 1000 at the last line to 3000, it gives a little more time for fullscreen to happen:

function waitForElementToDisplay(selector, time) {
if($(selector)!=null) {
var elem = $('video').parent().parent().parent().get(0);
}, 3000);
Posted: 2020-11-25

Hmm, that seems to work but only when you have recently interacted with the page, ill do some more debugging to figure out what the cause for when it does work and doesn't

Posted: 2020-11-25

If I set an episode to finish in 10 seconds, without clicking it won't fullscreen on the next episode. But if I do the same thing and continually click while the episode is about to end, the next episode did fullscreen.

Posted: 2020-11-25

it's almost like that newer browser security, where a user must interact with a page is more rigorous on your browser. Are you using something other than Chrome Stable, maybe Dev, Beta or Canary? I switched to a Chromium browser called Cent Browser a while ago and fullscreen still automatically works.

Posted: 2020-11-25

I'm pretty sure I'm still on Chrome Stable, I haven't used anything else, but I think you are definitely right about browser security. I tried out Cent browser and it seems to work perfectly fine. It could be something I did in my chrome settings maybe, but if Chrome just isn't going to allow it, I'm fine with using Cent for 9anime.

Posted: 2020-11-25

cool, the main reason I switched to Cent is for the auto-hiding bookmark bar, you may want to give it a try sometime

Posted: 2020-11-25

oooh yeah it looks promising. Thanks for help

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