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< Feedback on MLB The Show Nation Community Market Helper 19
Sure! or @RyanMeyers on Venmo. Thanks!
Thanks, I tossed you 10$! Keep up the great work :)
Hey I'm having an issue with the bought/sold notifications. They repeatedly pop up and won't go away, so I have half my screen filled with blue notifications. Is there some way I can mark them as read so they stop popping up everytime I change pages? The entire right side of my screen is filled with very old purchases.
Hey, development has switched over to the Chrome extension. This issue is fixed as well as several other enhancements since then :
Great work, thank you
Hey i'm loving the extensions you've made for the community, thank you so much! I don't have an account on Patreon, do you accept venmo or paypal for donations? Would love to toss you a few bucks!