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Mycroft Patch for Firefox 78

Modify page function to use supported features only. Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey. v1.0 2020-06-20

< Feedback on Mycroft Patch for Firefox 78


Posted: 2020-06-26
Edited: 2020-06-26

Can you provide more info about your script?

I have heard that Mozilla stop using something related to Opensearch but i don't totally understand why and if it is a problem for me.
I use Waterfox and test Firefox Quantum to see its evolution.
I appreciate OpenSearch and its possibility to customize Search engines we need.

Posted: 2020-06-26

Until now, Firefox supported a function that let a script trigger installation of an OpenSearch plugin:


The people who make web standards decreed that AddSearchProvider() should no longer be supported. As of Firefox 78, AddSearchProvider() silently fails. https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Window/external

Firefox can still add an OpenSearch plugin that is listed in a <link rel="search"> tag. See: Audiscovery on MDN. When the tag is detected, Firefox will add an item to the bottom of the Page Actions menu.

On Mycroft, this script changes what happens when you click an install link: instead of using AddSearchProvider(), it modifies the link tag in the page so Firefox can add it through the menu.

Posted: 2020-06-28
Edited: 2020-06-28

Thanks a lot for this clear explanation !
As i said, I use Waterfox.
I don't use Firefox Quantum (only for testing its evolution - or regression...)
I go to test your script on it when i have the last update of Quantum - yet it's v.77 and still use the old way.
Sometime, they "decreed" some crazy thing ....

Mycroft Project
Mozilla va abandonner OpenSearch. octobre 2019:
OpenSearch nous permettait au travers du projet Mycroft d’ajouter un moteur de recherche associé à son propre site dans Firefox. Je l’avais J’ai hier récupéré toutes les adresses des sites disposant de moteur OpenSearch, r. C’est tout un écosystème que je tenais à préserver. Devoir de mémoire oblige ! ;+)

Mozilla plans to change how search providers are added to Firefox - November 22, 2018:
The change does not impact Firefox's auto-discovery capabilities; the browser picks up open search engines automatically (provided that they use a specific format) so that users may use these in Firefox or make them the default.

Firefox users may also add any search engine that is picked up by Firefox using the search field in the browser.

A bug on Bugzilla@Mozilla highlights the controversial nature of the removal in Firefox. The deprecation breaks Firefox extensions such as Add Custom Search Engine that make use of the feature, sites like MyCroft Project, and also search engines that are available on AMO (Addons Mozilla Org).

The critical nature of the change could lead to a postponing to resolve some of the side-effects of disabling the functionality in the Firefox browser.

Now you: how do you add search engines to Firefox?

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