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Anime torrent search links

Adds links to torrent searches and stuff to anidb, anime-planet, animenfo, myanimelist & animenewsnetwork

< Feedback on Anime torrent search links

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2021-03-24

Doesn't work

Posted: 2021-05-02

GM_registerMenuCommand is not defined

Posted: 2021-05-02

Your script bug the links when I use my script "find the correct watch order"

To fix that either use this
// @run-at document-body

or this
// @run-at document-start

Posted: 2021-11-06
Edited: 2021-11-06

I already told you a long time ago, please fix the bug I reported

When anyone uses this script https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407727, your script stops working, users of your script come to me asking me to fix what you should fix if you want to keep your script working properly.

This is what happens when the script 407727 is used "+Click+To+Copy+Entry+Title+(++Symbols)+&f=0&c=1_1" is added in the end of the url so your script links stops working.

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