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rym Total Track Times

Calculates total track time for releases on rateyourmusic.com

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When viewing a release on rateyourmusic.com it parses the tracklisting and calculates a total time for the release. It should work for most well formed releases where track times are indicated in standard mm:ss format.

Send bug reports, problems, sample releases that don't work in a pm to jazzbo on rym.

Release History

This was updated 23-Jan-2009 to support track listings with the embedded 'play track' link. Let me know if you find releases it doesn't work on.

This was also updated on 14-Feb-2009 to better support being used with the rym last.fm script. Just cosmetic changes as to which boxes the information appears in. Note that this will work best if you you have this lower on your greasemonkey script list than that script.

10-Sep-2013 -- this was broken due to changes from 2.5; I uploaded an interim version that works if you have access to the current rym 2.5 beta (not the live version of the site.) I'll make the change when the next 2.5 site update hits to support the regular rym url.

27-Sep-2013 -- made a couple fixes as the total time was missing one track, and to make the output a little prettier if the seconds or minutes were less than 10. Again -- this presently only works on the rym beta site.

4-Oct-2013 -- version 2.6 supports the new look of rym.

24-Nov-2013 -- fixes issue where track times wouldn't calculate correctly if tracklisting had "non-track" headers

03-Dec-2013 -- added https:// for new default URL for rateyourmusic.com

20-Apr-2015 -- rym site changes for mobile support demanded a quick update.

21-Apr-2015 -- more properly support mobile changes; and update album titles in both views.

06-Dec-2015 -- Ultimate Version, message to encourage uninstall.