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scRYMble JS - Visit a release page on and scrobble the songs you see!
RYM: Label page filters JS - apply various filters to label pages
UselessScript#1 JS - Change some words to fruits because why not
yam JS - doo doo head
RYM google current album JS - populate RYM album page with tons of warez searches
RYM: Remove Upcoming Releases JS - remove releases from your upcoming section on rym
UselessScript#1 JS - Change some words to fruits because why not
RYM - Charts - Highlight rated albums JS - Highlights albums on RYM
RYMSearchYourMusic JS - Search in YouTube the music that you are viewing in RYM
Additional buttons for Lists, Posts and PMs JS - adds buttons
RYM: Weighted average track rating JS - calculate weighted average track rating based on track lengths
RYM: Quick Edit List JS - inline editing of list items
RYM: bandcamp tracklist formatter JS - converts tracklist copied from bandcamp to RYM format
RYM: Show rating shortcut on release page JS - Show [RatingXXXXXX] shortcut on release page beside cataloging/rating options
RYM: Add Dropdown Menus (Fixed Toolbar) JS - see title
RYM Custom Chart Filters JS - adds new filters to the rym custom charts
Show ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies),, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVNfo,
RYM Release Pages - track time align left JS - left aligns total track time in RYM release pages in glorious 60 fps
RYM Blackstar JS - Pay tribute to David Bowie with this userscript.
Show ratings JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies), Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVnfo,, GOG, Epic Games Store,
RYM: Message Boards; Track Threads JS - track threads on rym :o
RYM: bump button always on JS - always display bump button on rym release pages
RYM: Advanced collection view widget JS - custom filters for viewing music collections
rym Total Track Times JS - Calculates total track time for releases on
RYM: Add Dropdown Menus JS - adds dropdown menus
RYM spoiler removal JS - destroys RYM Spoilers
RYM Word Breaker JS - makes long text behave
RYM: Weighted average track rating (updated) JS - calculate weighted average track rating based on track lengths
RYM: bandcamp tracklist formatter (updated) JS - converts tracklist copied from bandcamp to RYM format
RYM: Average rating manipulator (greater than 2.5) JS - manipulate the average rating on rym albums!
RYM: Average rating manipulator (no 0.5s or 5.0s) JS - manipulate the average rating on rym albums!
RYM/ Sonemic: Average track rating JS - average track rating for rym/sonemic
Sonemic: Auto count average tracks rating with modifiers JS - .
fix insert classical works JS - fix inserting works into tracklist when work has apostrophe in title
RYM group member newline JS - makes the list of group members readable
RYM artist page release filter JS - Allows to filter releases by year, collaboration, credits, composer
Filter Upcoming releases JS - Check out your upcoming section on profile page!
RYM discography average rating JS - Shows the average album rating of artists, weighted according to number of ratings.
TracklistToRYM JS - Imports an album's tracklist from various sources into Rate Your Music.
"Add artist" enhancements~w JS - Includes several highly requested features, such as auto "show/hide" bandmember/member of field, dropdown regions, sorting DRAs, autoformat band members, extra alerts
RYM Quick search with "Shift" instead of "Enter" JS - Skips the "Search results for..." page by autoclicking the first result. Exceptions can be added.
Sort by year or catalog number on label pages JS - Unfortunately, only 50 results / page are permitted
Hide RYM Ratings If Unrated JS - Hides RYM ratings if you haven't rated them - unless you click a button.
Filter Month JS - Adds a month filter to RYM charts
RYM: Wikipedia Search JS - add a link from the release page to search wikipedia for that release
RYM: Advanced collection view widget 2 JS - updated version of "andrew 3"'s script, fixed fixed for new rym and expanded functionality
RYM Review Hider JS - Tired of letting other people's opinions influence your own? This simple userscript hides other user's ratings by default. Already rated a release and want to see what others said? Just press the toggle rating data button.
RYM Submission Shortcuts JS - Adds direct links to various RYM submission pages to your navigation bar.
RYM Release Rating Center Fix JS - Fixes the off-center rating on releases on artist pages
Gallery Mode for Lists - RateYourMusic JS - Creates a toggleable gallery for RYM lists.
Add to List Button in Catalog Section - RateYourMusic JS - Adds the add to list button to the rating/cataloguing section of the page.
RYM: khinsider tracklist formatter JS - converts tracklist copied from khinsider to RYM format
RYM: VGMdb tracklist formatter JS - converts tracklist copied from VGMdb to RYM format
Rateyourmusic Movie Genre Chart Button JS - Adds a button to the movie genre page to open the chart, and redirects "genre" links to the corresponding "film_genre" page.
Rate Your Music - % / Yes / Hold / No / Comments JS - Improves the way RYM displays information on profile updates pending approval by a moderator.
Scroll to item in RYM list JS - Scrolls down to an item in RYM list
Type release on new item JS - When entering a list item on RYM, release is auto-selected
Color bolds JS - Makes bolds gold on RYM
Click on track name to google it JS - Google searches for a track and artist when you click it on RYM
RYM 5 star ratio JS - Displays the ratio of 5 star ratings on an album.
RYMAlbumYouTubeSearchFromMediaLinks JS - Creates link to search YouTube for a release at the end of existing RYM media links
RateYourMusic - No Negative Reviews JS - Hides reviews with under a certain amount of stars.
Hide Unreleased Albums with Auto Paging and Toggle JS - Automatically load more albums until released ones are found, with a toggle to show/hide unreleased albums.
RYM out-of-10 JS - Replace RYM's rating out of five to out of ten.
Metacritic Style Ratings for RateYourMusic JS - Converts album ratings on RateYourMusic to a Metacritic-style 0-100 scale
RYM Star Rating JS - Adds an artist rating based on the average of their entire discography
scRYMble JS - Visit a release page on and scrobble the songs you see!
RYM Descriptor Organizer JS - Organize descriptors automatically on RateYourMusic
RYM Release Page Colorizer JS - Change specific CSS variables and elements based on album cover colors on RateYourMusic
RYMLyricsViewer JS - Allows the viewing of song lyrics on Rate Your Music without a subscription.
RYM: All releases chart from artist page JS - Add links to all releases chart from this artist sorted by popularity on artist page
Rateyourmusic Country Film Links JS - Convert country tags to clickable links in film pages
RYM Track Rating Sorter JS - Sort RYM track ratings by score with a toggle button
RYM Display Track Ratings JS - Displays individual track ratings, genres, and track rankings on RateYourMusic album or any release pages.
RateYourMusic Track Time Conversion JS - Adds hours to the total time at the bottom of the track listings on rym track lists.
RateYourMusic Collection Randomizer JS - Add buttons to the top of all RYM collection pages which allows you to get a random album from a page or a random page of the current selected settings