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// ==UserScript== // @name 起点小说解锁|VIP章节免费阅读|极速章节识别 // @version 1.3.4 // @description 可解锁起点小说VIP付费章节。基本还原付费效果,无需设置即可阅读。 // @author JiGuang // @namespace www.xyde.net.cn // @homepageURL http://www.xyde.net.cn // @match https://read.qidian.com/chapter/* // @match *://book.zongheng.com/chapter/*/*.html // @require https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert2@11 // @require https://cdn.staticfile.org/jquery/2.0.3/jquery.min.js // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @connect // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; //全局配置 //获取cookie值 var index = getCookie("choice"); var times = getCookie("times"); if (index == null) { index = 0 } if (times == null) { times = 0 } var config = { //配置版本号 version: 1, //支持的书源地址: //步骤1 webSites: ["http://www.biquge5200.cc/modules/article/search.php?searchkey=", "http://www.dushuge.com/hsdgiohsdigohsog.php?ie=gbk&q=", "https://www.disixs.com/search.php?keyword=", "https://so.biqusoso.com/s2.php?ie=utf-8&siteid=qu-la.com&q=", "http://www.b5200.net/modules/article/search.php?searchkey=", "http://www.siluke.com/search.php" ], //跳转网址:用于修正脚本读取章节地址自动把起点前缀拼接起来 //步骤1 webGo: ['http://www.biquge5200.cc/', 'http://www.dushuge.com', 'https://www.disixs.com', 'https://www.qu-la.com', 'http://www.b5200.net/', 'http://www.siluke.com'], //网页内容:F12查看页面元素 找到章节文字所在的标签id webContent: ['#content', '#content', '#content', '#txt', '#content', '#content'], //书源描述 webDesc: ["笔趣阁", "读书阁", "58小说网", "官术网", "书趣阁", "思路客"], //正在使用的书源 webSiteIndex: index, //搜索前缀: //步骤2:查看书源网站搜索关键字后跳转地址 并替换 webSearch: ['', '', '', '', '', ''], //搜索方法 : 目前没有特别大的作用 webMethod: ["GET", "GET", "GET", "POST", "POST", "GET"], //使用序列: 不同书源的获取章节目录的标签选择不同 //步骤5:0 代表第一个字符串 webReturn: [2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0], //书源类型:0代表网页书源,1代表api请求书源 webType: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], //具体章节网址替换 webHref: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], //book:不同书源的获取作品名的标签选择不同 //步骤3:去书源网站搜索页面查找标签并替换 webBook: [".grid > a", "h4.bookname > a", "a.r###lt-game-item-title-link", "a", ".odd > a", ".s2 > a"], //author //步骤3:去书源网站搜索页面查找标签并替换 webAuthor: [".odd", "div.author", "div.r###lt-game-item-info > p:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(2)", "span.s4", ".odd", ".s4 > a"] } //注册的菜单和对应执行的函数 var menus = [ { name: '打开设置', event: openSetting }, ] //增加cookie缓存 function setCookie(cName, value, datetime) { var oDate = new Date(); if (datetime == 0) { datetime = 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } oDate.setTime(oDate.getTime() + datetime);//设置过期时间 var cookieString = cName + value + ";expires='" + oDate.toGMTString() + ";path=/"; document.cookie = cookieString;//存cookie } //获取指定名称的cookie的值 function getCookie(cName) { var arrStr = document.cookie.split("; "); for (var i = 0; i < arrStr.length; i++) { var temp = arrStr[i].split("="); if (temp[0] == cName) { return decodeURI(temp[1]); } } } //增加菜单 function addMenu() { for (var menu of menus) { GM_registerMenuCommand(menu.name, menu.event) } } //添加新书源 function openSetting() { try { document.querySelector("#j_navSettingBtn > a").click() } catch (e) { notify('打开设置失败', 'warning') } } //把更换书源增加到设置菜单 function hookSetting() { let bookhtml = `` for (var di in config.webDesc) { bookhtml += `<option value="${di}">${config.webDesc[di]}</option>` } if (!document.querySelector(".setting-list-wrap")) { setTimeout(hookSetting, 1000) return } let e = document.createElement("div") e.innerHTML = `<li class="remind" style="margin-top:10px;"> <i>书源切换</i> <select id="select" style="position:relative;top:5px"> <option value="#">请选择要切换的书源</option> ${bookhtml} </select> </li>` document.querySelector(".setting-list-wrap").firstElementChild.appendChild(e) document.querySelector("#select").onchange = function () { var index = document.querySelector("#select").value setCookie("choice=", index, 0) location.reload() } //打开评论 document.querySelector("#j-sectionCommentBtn").onclick = function () { var state = document.querySelector("#j-sectionCommentSwitch").innerHTML if (state == "关闭") { // $("body").addClass("section-comment-open") $("html").addClass = ("j-sectionCommentLimit") $("#j_chapterBox > div > div").removeClass("j-sectionCommentLimit") } else { // $("body").removeClass("section-comment-open") $("#j-readPage").removeClass("j-sectionCommentLimit") $("#j_chapterBox > div > div").removeClass("j-sectionCommentLimit") // $("#paragraph-review-app").css("display","none") } } } //自动加载本章说 async function comment() { $("#j-readPage").removeClass("j-sectionCommentLimit") $("#j_chapterBox > div > div").removeClass("j-sectionCommentLimit") } //提示用户 function notify(title = '操作成功', type = 'success', show = true) { console.log(title) const Toast = Swal.mixin({ toast: true, position: 'top-end', showConfirmButton: false, timer: 2000, timerProgressBar: true, didOpen: (toast) => { toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', Swal.stopTimer) toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', Swal.r###meTimer) } }) if (show) Toast.fire({ icon: type, title: title }) return Toast } //获取章节名 function QDgetBookChapter() { if (document.querySelector("div > div.text-head > h3 > span.content-wrap")) { let res = '' + document.querySelector("div > div.text-head > h3 > span.content-wrap").innerText res = res.replace(' ', '') return res } return undefined } // 获取小说名字,去掉括号内的内容 function QDgetBookName() { const bookNameElement = document.querySelector("#bookImg"); if (bookNameElement) { // 使用正则表达式去掉括号内的内容 const rawName = bookNameElement.innerText; const cleanedName = rawName.replace(/\([^)]*\)/g, '').trim(); return cleanedName; } else { return null; // 或者返回一个默认的名称,或者抛出错误,具体根据需求来定 } } //本章是否已被购买 function QDgetChapterOrder() { // @ts-ignore return document.querySelector("a.admire.lang.j_admireBtn") } //设置页面阅读内容 async function QDsetContent(content) { // 使用正则表达式进行替换 content = content.replace(/(<br\s*\/?>\s*){2,}/g, '<br><br>'); console.log(content); const regs = /<br>[\s]{0,1}<br>/g content = content.replace(regs, "<br><br> ") let int = 1; while (true) { let key = `<span class="review-count" data-segid="${int++}" style=" cursor: pointer; "></span>`; content = content.replace("<br><br>", key); content = content.replace("</p><p>", key); if (content.indexOf("<br><br>") == "-1" && content.indexOf("</p><p>") == "-1") break; } var fir = '<p data-type="2">' content = fir + content var reg = RegExp(" ", "g"); content = content.replace(reg, '</p><p data-type="2">'); // 在你想要暂停的地方插入 debugger function someFunction() { console.log("这行代码之前会暂停"); debugger; // 这里插入 debugger 语句 console.log("这行代码之后会暂停"); } // 调用该函数 someFunction(); document.querySelector("div > div.read-content.j_readContent ").innerHTML = content let readQrcodeMobile = document.querySelector("#readQrcodeMobile") let cid = readQrcodeMobile.dataset.cid let bid = readQrcodeMobile.dataset.bid const res = await parseDocFromAjax("GET", `https://vipreader.qidian.com/ajax/chapterReview/reviewSummary?_csrfToken=&bookId=${bid}&&chapterId=${cid}`, true) console.log(res) res.list.map(item => { const span = document.querySelector(`span[data-segid="${item.segmentId}"]`) span ? span.innerHTML = item.reviewNum + "<i><cite></cite></i>" : "" }) document.getElementsByClassName('read-content')[0].setAttribute('style', `line-height: 1.5;letter-spacing: 1px`) const removeSpan = document.querySelectorAll("span[data-segid") removeSpan.forEach(item => { if (item.innerText == '' || item.innerText == 0) item.remove() }) console.log("移除成功") } //将请求的url的html内容转化成document对象 async function parseDocFromAjax(method, url, flag) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method, url: url, onload: (res) => { if (config.webType[config.webSiteIndex] == 1 || flag) { let str = res.response // console.log(str) str = str.replace(/\\r\\n \\r\\n /g, "<br><br> ") str = str.replace(/\\r\\n /g, "<br><br> ") let arr = eval('(' + str + ')') const { data } = arr console.log(data) return resolve(data) } let htmldoc = document.createElement('html') let htmlstr = res.responseText htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(/http /g, "https") htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(/img src/g, "a url") htmlstr = htmlstr.replace(/onerror/g, "class") // console.log(htmlstr) htmldoc.innerHTML = htmlstr console.log(url) resolve(htmldoc) }, onerror: (err) => { reject(err) } }) }) } //搜索小说并返回结果 async function searchBook(keywords) { const r = await parseDocFromAjax(config.webMethod[config.webSiteIndex], config.webSites[config.webSiteIndex] + keywords + config.webSearch[config.webSiteIndex]) let resList = [] if (config.webType[config.webSiteIndex] == 1) { r.map(item => { resList.push({ id: item.Id, bookName: item.Name, author: item.Author, url: config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] + item.Id + "/" }) //console.log(item) }) //console.log(resList[0]) return resList } var bookList = r.querySelectorAll(config.webBook[config.webSiteIndex]) const authorList = r.querySelectorAll(config.webAuthor[config.webSiteIndex]) for (let i in bookList) { if (bookList[i].title) { resList.push({ bookName: bookList[i].title, author: authorList[i].innerText, url: config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] + bookList[i].pathname }) } resList.push({ bookName: bookList[i].innerText, author: authorList[i].innerText, url: config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] + bookList[i].pathname }) } // console.log(resList) return resList } //获取小说目录 async function getChapterList(book) { let resList = [] let bookUrl = book.url.replace('https://vipreader.qidian.com/', config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex]) const r = await parseDocFromAjax('GET', bookUrl) if (config.webType[config.webSiteIndex] == 1) { // console.log(r) r.list.map(item => { item.list.map(i => { resList.push({ title: i.name, url: config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] + book.id + "/" + i.id + ".html" }) }) }) // console.log(resList); return resList } let s = ["#list > dl > dd > a", "ul.cf > li > a", "div.listmain > dl > dd > a"] //步骤4:如书源目录标签不相同 此处添加后再在webReturn修改对应数字 const cateList = r.querySelectorAll(s[config.webReturn[config.webSiteIndex]]) console.log("cateList:", cateList) for (let i of cateList) { // console.log( i) let url = i.getAttribute("href") if (config.webHref[config.webSiteIndex] == 1) { // console.log("Ok") // bookUrl = bookUrl.substring(0, bookUrl.lastIndexOf("/")+1) config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] = '' } url = config.webGo[config.webSiteIndex] + url resList.push({ title: i.innerText, url: url }) } return resList } //获取章节内容 async function getContent(pageUrl) { const res = await parseDocFromAjax('GET', pageUrl) if (config.webType[config.webSiteIndex] == 1) { let title = res.cname.replace(" ", '') if (res.content.indexOf(title) == -1) return res.content title = title + '<br> ' res.content = res.content.replace(title, '') //console.log('getContent:',res.content) return res.content } return res.querySelector(config.webContent[config.webSiteIndex]).innerHTML } //解析书源函数 async function parseMain() { //搜索小说名字 var r = await searchBook(QDgetBookName()) var a = g_data.bookInfo.authorName let ii = 0 //优先匹配名字相同的 for (let suoyin in r) { if (r[suoyin].bookName == QDgetBookName() || r[suoyin].author == a) { ii = suoyin break; } } if (r[ii] == undefined) { console.log("搜索作者") r = await searchBook(a) for (let suoyin in r) { if (r[suoyin].bookName == QDgetBookName()) { ii = suoyin break; } } } //获取第一项结果章节目录 if (r[ii] == undefined) { console.log('该小说暂无资源') } // console.log(r[ii]) const clist = await getChapterList(r[ii]) if (QDgetBookChapter() == undefined || clist.length == 0) { console.log('抓取目录失败') } console.log('抓取目录成功') // console.log(clist) //获取章节名 for (let i in clist) { let tit = '' + clist[i].title let str = tit tit = tit.replace(' ', '') //console.log('匹配',tit,QDgetBookChapter()) var patt1 = /[a-zA-Z\u4e00-\u9fa5]+/g var patt2 = /[0-9]+/g str = QDgetBookChapter() var flag = false //排除纯数字章节的影响 if (tit.match(patt1) == null) { tit = tit.match(patt2) str = str.match(patt2) } else if (str.match(patt1) == null) { str = str.match(patt2) tit = tit.match(patt2) == null ? tit.match(patt1) : tit.match(patt2) } else { str = str.match(patt1) tit = tit.match(patt1) //有些作者喜欢加第几卷第几章 但是书源网站没有卷名 var str2 = str.join("").split(/卷|章/) var tit2 = tit.join("").split(/卷|章/) //模糊读取,若无法精准匹配 尝试模糊名匹配 并设置缓存默认以此方法匹配,默认是2分钟 console.log(times) if (times >= 4 & times < 11) { //自带数字章节名 首个字符串与书源匹配 if (str[0] == tit[0]) { flag = true setCookie("times=", times, 1 * 1000 * 60 * 2)//这里修改2可以改缓存时间 } } else if (times >= 11 & times < 17) { //末尾名匹配 if (str2[str2.length - 1] == tit2[tit2.length - 1]) { flag = true setCookie("times=", times, 1 * 1000 * 60 * 2) } } else if (times >= 17) { //中间名匹配 if (str2[str2.length - 2] == tit2[tit2.length - 2]) { flag = true setCookie("times=", times, 1 * 1000 * 60 * 2) } } } // console.log(str[0],tit[0]) if (str.join("") == tit.join("") || flag == true) { console.log('检查到结果') const content = await getContent(clist[i].url) QDsetContent(content) console.log('写入成功') notify('小说读取成功') return } } times++ setCookie("times=", times, 1 * 1000 * 60 * 2) console.log('目录匹配失败') notify('未查询到该小说内容', 'warning') throw new Error('该书源解析失败') } //递归更换书源 async function mergeOne(index) { try { if (index) { config.webSiteIndex = index console.log(index) } notify(`正在切换到书源${config.webDesc[config.webSiteIndex]}...`, 'info') await parseMain() } catch (e) { console.log(e) config.webSiteIndex = (config.webSiteIndex + 1) % 6 mergeOne() } } //MAIN-BEFORE 主程序预备函数 if (QDgetChapterOrder() != null) { notify(`已订阅章节`) } else { addMenu() //MAIN 主程序 notify(`您正在阅读${QDgetBookName()}的${QDgetBookChapter()}`) mergeOne() comment() hookSetting() } // Your code here... })();
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