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iTunes - subtitle downloader

Allows you to download subtitles from iTunes

< Feedback on iTunes - subtitle downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-09-13

Doesn't work on Apple TV+ titles. Any fix on that or do I have to subscribe to make it detectable?

Posted: 2024-09-13

Works fine on free episodes so change that rating. https://tv.apple.com/pl/episode/failures-contagious/umc.cmc.72legmwolm5ytctyq637r6x0 I've never subscribed to it but you should be able to download subs from the paid episodes once you subscribe.

Without paying it works on free episodes and some movies from iTunes, like this one: https://tv.apple.com/pl/movie/prawdziwe-k%C5%82amstwa/umc.cmc.4f2mfbl3mrd9txbc6gtyvxu59

Posted: 2024-09-14

Ok I saw it. Works now. How about the Pachinko ones with the colors, with the color formatting be included too?

Posted: 2024-09-14

An example? Which subtitles have colors?

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