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Trusted-Types Helper

I mainly wrote this in 2021 to enable TamperMonkey to continue using scripts that have `@require` dependencies on sites with a restrictive `Trusted-Types` policy, until TM v4.14 came out (milestone: https://github.com/Tampermonkey/tampermonkey/issues/1334#event-5361683856). Now it seems like some cases make it relevant again? I think that should be only temporary until the TM team get on top of what ever changed. Make sure this script is executed before the `@require`ing of any dependencies

< Feedback on Trusted-Types Helper


Posted: 2024-08-25

The script's description reads something along the lines of "... at least until 4.14 comes out." We are now at 5.2.3. Is this script necessary any longer? And where should i put this in my script execution list? Very top? I don't actually know how this got installed for me but what the hell, if it works don't screw with it.

Posted: 2024-08-27

Hi Travibe!
I think there's a temporary hiccup at the moment causing some things to break again due to Trusted Types policies. I don't know yet what exactly changed; I hope the TamperMonkey people can fix what ever the problem is.
I wasn't expecting to see an uptick again of people needing to use things like this helper. I also pretty much thought it had served its purpose and had long been a thing of the past, I didn't even feel the need to update it with some more creature comforts because I expected everything to be resolved soon and stay that way :P
I guess if it helps, include it in your headers and keep an eye on TM's releases
I'm bad at keeping on top of things these days, but if I come across something I can improve, I might update this old thing to serve current needs 🤔

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