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[TS] Citrus GFork

NOW with version number in Listing!! Advance table view for Greasy Fork. Fixes display bugs. 100 scripts display at a time, favoured user count, remembers last sort order used on Script Listing, "My" Profile Listing, and third Party Listing. Able to distinguish between, Library, Unlisted and Deleted scripts using text icons. Beside FireFox, it now supports Opera and Chrome.

< Feedback on [TS] Citrus GFork


Posted: 2015-04-04

incompatibility between your script and new Firefox add-on Greasy Scripts

It seems to have an incompatibility between your script and this new Firefox add-on Greasy Scripts...

Can you fix that ?

It seems to be an very helpful addon:
"It integrates seamlessly with Greasemonkey or Scriptish and provides :
- A button to quickly do a by-site search here on Greasy Scripts with the domain of the currently opened page being automatically inserted.
- The possibility to automatically request the number of scripts that are available for a given domain on Greasy Fork in background and notify you visually (via a highlighted button) if scripts are available.

Posted: 2015-04-04
Edited: 2015-04-04

Wow, I've been waiting for this.

Thanks for the unintentional sharing :)

1) This has already been mentioned and I plan to fix it today ^_^ (See here)

2) How does my script break second issue?

Posted: 2015-04-04

Should be fixed now.

Posted: 2015-04-04

Very fast Mister !

I appreciate your script:
Can you do something for Userstyles.org too ?

Posted: 2015-04-05

Your welcome

Userstyles.org :-?
Not sure what you want there. I do not have any scripts for the site.

Posted: 2015-04-05

Yes i know

I ask if you can built a new Citrus script for Userstyles.org too...

Posted: 2015-04-06

I am able to build one but not going to. :-P

I do not use the site and I have too many scripts which need updating and features added but I can't be asked.

Posted: 2015-04-06

I am planning to remove the rating system from feedback. How would you consider this change?

The rating system is abysmal in my view and I rather not have it at all.

Posted: 2015-04-07
Edited: 2015-04-07

Hmm, i prefert to keep the rating system, It's an information .
Maybe it can be improve ....
But , you can Hide it by an option, no?

For Userstyles, i understand.

But Usertsyles are usefull :
You don't use them ?

Posted: 2015-04-07

Thanks for the input.

No I don't use it Userstyles on sites. I use Linx Amender and its CSS rules. It's good enough for me when I need to make slight changes.

Posted: 2015-04-07

I have to test your Linx Amender script:
Seems a great tool but a little bit complex for me.

For me the Stylish addon is very easy to use for CSS change and efficient.

I use Stylish / Greasmonkey together , each one for its own advantage.

But it's a question of taste.

Anyway, i appreciate a lot your scripts ;-)

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