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Live Stream Chat Users (Mentions & Search)

Minimalistic userscript that allows you to mention any user in chat by one click on their name or to search for their channel by double or middle click.

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Posted: 2022-06-22

Шеф, а подскажи, возможно ли как-то использовать твой скрипт, в очень удобном расширении Enhancer for YouTube™ - https://www.mrfdev.com/enhancer-for-youtube ?
В параметрах его настроек, есть специальная форма для ввода пользовательского скрипта - http://pix.academ.info/img/2022/06/23/63c4691e111b077ccf5c2df52a50a0e6.png
Я скопировал туда твой скрипт, но увы, не функционирует((

Posted: 2022-07-01

Investigating it right now. Be right back.

Posted: 2022-07-01
Edited: 2022-07-01

OK, I see the issue. It doesn't work in Enhancer the way you want it, because while Violentmonkey/Tampermonkey injects userscript within every frame, Enhancer loads its only within the parent page.

Sorry, can't be bothered to dig through the pile of `iframe`s at this moment. It would be futile anyway, I suspect.

Just use my userscript via Violentmonkey/Tampermonkey as usual.

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