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Better Icons for Invidious

using css icon alternatives instead of font variant.

< Feedback on Better Icons for Invidious

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2022-10-19

You Userstyle about icons is very fine too!
Tested by copy your css and With Stylus install:
Work perfectly.

But the install as userscript (with greasemonkey 3.17) don't change these icons....
I don't understand why...
Maybe the gresyfork's conversion don't like ".onion" domains ?
I know Jason Barnabe work on it....

Test link:
Ces drôles de poissons | Pas si bêtes que ça ! | ARTE

Posted: 2022-10-19
Edited: 2022-10-19

And i tested mine as userscript:
Not working!

Posted: 2022-10-20

As I tested, everything works fine (Greasemonkey 4.11), maybe that's your side issue? Because both works fine for me.

Posted: 2022-10-20

Maybe that's the version of greasemonkey?
Mine is 3.17, your is the last one....

Posted: 2022-10-21

Probably that's the issue. Just update then.

Posted: 2022-10-21

Yes :-)
But i don't like how work the updated version of Greasemonkey....

I tested with Tampermonkey:
All install work fine.

So i wait if my request to Jason can solve the Greasemonkey 3.XX problem.
If not, i change the description of the userscript to notice it.

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