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4chan Archive Image Downloader

4chan archive thread image downloader for general use across many foolfuuka based imageboards. Downloads all images individually in a thread with original filenames (by default). Optional thread API button, for development purposes.

< Feedback on 4chan Archive Image Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-03-20

I used to run your script on https://thebarchive.com and it worked great, but I can't get it to work anymore

Posted: 2024-03-20

sorry error must have been on my end, works all good again thanks

Posted: 2024-03-25

oh no its gone again. whenever I click the "Indiv DL" button and confirm nothing happens

Posted: 2024-03-25

oh no its gone again. whenever I click the "Indiv DL" button and confirm nothing happens

Set "api_button_enabled" to "true" in the user settings. Click the "Thread API" button in a new thread (next to the "Indiv DL" button"), then see if Cloudfare is triggered and do any captcha it asks you to do, then once you see the JSON file from the API, go back to the thread and press "Indiv DL" twice or use the menu command on the Violentmonkey extension.

The issue that I found when I tested on thebarchive was that it uses Cloudflare, so downloads can get blocked if you don't do the captcha for Cloudflare. If that doesn't work, then it might be something else that I didn't test, in which case I ask you screenshot the console (Ctrl-Shift-I for windows or right-click and Inspect), and send it in link form from here (or any other file-hosting service): https://catbox.moe/

Posted: 2024-03-25

wow that was fast thanks for the reply, the captcha check worked. thanks again

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