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Facebook video downloader (2022)

< Feedback on FB_Downloader

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2023-05-12

Improved a bit

// ==UserScript==
// @name FB_Downloader
// @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version 0.69
// @description Facebook video downloader (2022)
// @author a7a beh
// @match https://*fdownloader.net/*
// @match https://*.facebook.com/*
// @exclude https://*.facebook.com/messages/*
// @exclude https://*.facebook.com/stories/*
// @exclude https://*.facebook.com/groupcall/*
// @icon https://*.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=fdownloader.net
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
'use strict';

// Your code here...

let paste = document.getElementById("paste");
let send = document.querySelector(".btn-red");
let download = document.querySelector(".button is-success is-small download-link-fb");
let url = document.querySelector(".search__input");
let fb = document.querySelector(".oajrlxb2 qu0x051f esr5mh6w e9989ue4 r7d6kgcz rq0escxv nhd2j8a9 p7hjln8o kvgmc6g5 cxmmr5t8 oygrvhab hcukyx3x jb3vyjys qt6c0cv9 i1ao9s8h ###yzwwr f1sip0of abiwlrkh p8dawk7l lzcic4wl bp9cbjyn e72ty7fz qlfml3jp inkptoze qmr60zad j83agx80 btwxx1t3 tv7at329 taijpn5t d1544ag0 tw6a2znq l9j0dhe7 k4urcfbm tdjehn4e");

var button = document.createElement("Button");
button.innerHTML = '';
button.className = "a7a55 __fb-dark-mode";
button.style = "background-color: var(--secondary-button-background);top: 8px;right: 200px;position: fixed;z-index: 99999;padding: 10px;border-radius: 20px;padding: 4px 0px 0px;margin: 2px 8px 0px 10px;outline: none;width: 39px;height: 39px;border: none;font-size: 15px;font-weight: 600;font-family: inherit; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.3s; ";

//button.style.opacity = "0.4";

//button.onmouseover = function(){button.style.opacity = "0.60"};
//button.onmouseout = function(){button.style.opacity = "0.40"};

function javascript_abort()
throw new Error('This is not an error. This is just to abort javascript');

button.addEventListener("click", function () {

let text = (window.location.href)

navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(function() {

}, function(err) {
console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err);
alert("Something went wrong!")
function ####() { }

setTimeout(####, 250);

function ####() {


function tez () {

window.addEventListener("load", function() {
setTimeout(tez, 400);

//Auto download and close

setTimeout(function () {
let quality_check = document.querySelector('[title="Download 720p (HD)"]')
if (quality_check != null ) {
if (quality_check.innerHTML == 'Download'){
document.querySelector('[title="Download 720p (HD)"]').click()
console.log('720p is available')
} else {
document.querySelector('[title="Download 360p (SD)"]').click()
console.log('720p is not available, downloading 360p')
}, 2000);



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