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Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars

< Feedback on HeroWarsHelper

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-12-05

I have a few questions about the "auto dungeon" function. Unfortunately, there is no info about it on the "Info" page, and a google search of the Feedback page didn't provide any useful r###lts. Could you add the details of this function on the Info page for the benefit of other users?

1. How does the auto dungeon function select the team for the mixed room? Is it the 5 strongest titans currently available, or is it the team that was last used in the mixed room?

2. What happens when 1 or more titans die? Is the next strongest titan selected?

3. What logic does the script use when there's a choice of rooms - eg, fire vs earth, or mixed vs fire? Is the room chosen based on which one has the strongest titans at that point?

It would be nice if you could add a point #4 in the "Detailed description of the main script functions" section and title it "4. Auto Dungeon Run - How does it work?". Thanks for all your effort in creating and maintaining this wonderful script.

Posted: 2024-12-05
Edited: 2024-12-05

Sorry, forgot to add another question.

4. If I claim 75 titanite from the guild prestige quests, I find that the first activation "save" point occurs at the 165 mark, and then every 60 titanite after that - ie, 165, 225, 285, 345, etc. So what happens if I set the "How much titanite to farm" value to 225? Will it activate the save point immediately after clearing the level, even if it doesn't proceed to the next floor?

Posted: 2024-12-08

1. The function works similarly to prediction cards and selects the 5 strongest available titans.
2. Yes, the next strongest one is selected
3. The script conducts both battles and selects the one with the least losses.
4. Yes, the save point is activated immediately after clearing the level, only after that the script will finish its work if enough titanite has been collected

Posted: 2024-12-09

Thanks so much for the clarification!

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