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Happymh reading aid

infinite scroll reading mode,Arrow keys to switch chapters,Background preload image,Auto reload image with error.

< Feedback on Happymh reading aid

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2024-11-09

const createPageElement = (data, isFirst = 0) => { const fragment = new DocumentFragment(); let mainContent = ge("#mainContent"); if (!mainContent) { const targetElement = ge("article"); //ge("article:has(>div[id^='imageLoader'])"); mainContent = document.createElement("div"); mainContent.id = "mainContent"; targetElement.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", mainContent); }

        if (isFirst === 0) {
const title = document.createElement("div");
title.className = "chapterTitle";
title.innerText = data.chapter_name; // 設置章節名稱
// 使用正則表達式過濾,僅保留中英文字符
let filteredTitle = title.innerText.replace(/[^A-Za-z\u4E00-\u9FFF\s]+/g, '');
console.log("過濾非中英文字符後的標題:", filteredTitle); // 打印過濾後的標題
// 定義關鍵字列表含通配符
const keywordsToExclude = [
]; // 在這裡添加想要排除的關鍵字
console.log("關鍵字列表:", keywordsToExclude); // 打印關鍵字列表含通配符
// 循環檢查並移除關鍵字
keywordsToExclude.forEach(keyword => {
// 創建正則表達式
const keywordRegex = new RegExp(keyword, 'g');
// 檢查並打印匹配結果
const matches = filteredTitle.match(keywordRegex);
if (matches) {
console.log(`移除關鍵字 "${keyword}" 前的標題:`, filteredTitle); // 打印移除前的標題
// 只移除匹配的部分
filteredTitle = filteredTitle.replace(keywordRegex, ''); // 移除關鍵字
// 去除多餘的空格
filteredTitle = filteredTitle.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); // 將多餘空格替換為單個空格並去掉首尾空格
console.log("最終過濾後的標題:", filteredTitle); // 打印最終顯示的標題
title.innerText = filteredTitle;
fragment.append(title); // 將標題添加到文檔片段中

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