This script removes the stupid Google Lens drop zone that appears in the search bar when dragging links (or anything else) on Google search r###lts pages. This feature is an intrusive and unnecessary addition to Google's search experience, and this script aims to remove it.
卧槽好评,我以为只有我觉得google结果拖曳蹦lens很傻逼,没想到大家都这么觉得(lens在android上还好 硬推到web上感觉阿三一定是玛萨拉吃多中#了 跟之前乱改的侧边栏阅读清单一样 连utf-8都不适配 开发者社区一堆陈年老bug放着不修 成天开倒车 现在的google chrome开发组整个有病
还是chatgpt写出来的 大佬牛逼!