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Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2023-05-24

Hi. Could you please help me understand why you have a base64 image in the script. Thanks.

Posted: 2023-05-25

Hello, the reason for using a base64 image for the script icon is very simple.

To reduce http requests and for poor networking, however, this choice has only a slight effects, you can change it if you want.

The difference between base64 image and remote image url when using as the script icon

  • base64 image: data:image/png;base64_________________
    • image files embedded inside textual assets, the script reads the image from the assets every time it loads.
  • image from remote server:
    • the image stored in the remote server, which needs the script take a http request for the server on it every loads
Posted: 2023-05-28

Thanks for the reply and information. That's a great idea.

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