Automatically refreshes Miniflux feeds
// ==UserScript== // @name Miniflux automatically refresh feeds // @namespace // @version 21 // @description Automatically refreshes Miniflux feeds // @author Tehhund // @match *://** // @icon // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== let apiKey = ''; // Put your API key from Miniflux here. const rateLimit = 43200000; // Only refresh twice per day. 43200000 miliseconds = 12 hours. If a feed has an error (e.g., too many requests) its checked_at datetime still gets updated so we won't hit the feeds with too many requests. const refreshFeeds = async () => { let toastDiv = document.createElement('div'); = 'toastDiv'; = "5rem"; document.body.appendChild(toastDiv); setTimeout(() => { toastDiv.remove() }, 900000); // remove after 15 minutes. if (!apiKey) { // If the API key isn't specified, try getting it from localstorage. apiKey = localStorage.getItem('miniFluxRefresherApiKey'); } else { // If we have the API key, store it in localstorage. localStorage.setItem('miniFluxRefresherApiKey', apiKey); } let req = await fetch('', { headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': apiKey } }); let res = JSON.parse(await req.text()); let feedsArray = => currentFeed); // Turn JSON into an array for sorting. feedsArray.sort((a, b) => { return (new Date(a.checked_at) - new Date(b.checked_at)) }); // Sort from least recently checked to most recently checked so least recent gets refreshed first. for (let [index, feed] of feedsArray.entries()) { let lastChecked = new Date(feed.checked_at).getTime(); if ( - lastChecked > rateLimit) { console.log(`It's been more than 12 hours, refresh.`); setTimeout( async () => { let req = await fetch(`${}`, { headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': apiKey } }); let response = JSON.parse(await req.text()); let lastChecked = new Date(response.checked_at).getTime(); if ( - lastChecked > rateLimit) { // Since navigating, refreshing the page, or using another device could cause duplicate refreshes, double check that each feed still hasn't been refreshed recently. let newNode = setToast(`Fetching ${feed.title} ${feed.site_url}.`); let res = await fetch(`${}/refresh`, { method: "PUT", headers: { 'X-Auth-Token': apiKey } }); newNode.textContent += ` Complete.`; console.log(res); } }, 15000 * index); // Make a call every 15 seconds.} } else console.log(`It's been less than 12 hours, do nothing.`); } } const setToast = (text) => { let newNode = document.createElement('div'); = `feedFetchStatus`; newNode.textContent = text; document.getElementById('toastDiv').appendChild(newNode); setTimeout(() => { newNode.remove() }, 4000); return newNode; } // run once when the page is loaded. window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", refreshFeeds);