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Miniflux automatically refresh feeds

Automatically refreshes Miniflux feeds

These are versions of this script where the code was updated. Show all versions.

  • v21 2024-10-27

    Fixing console.log messages.

  • v20 2024-09-23

    No functionality changes, just updating documentation.

  • v19 2024-07-25

    Adding a toast notification when a feed refresh is completed.

  • v18 2024-07-23

    Adding a per-feed rate limit double-check before refreshing to avoid duplicate refreshes in case of navigating away from the page, refreshing the page, or using another device at the same time.

  • v17 2024-07-22

    Adding more space for toast at the bottom of the page, and making toasts work on more pages.

  • v16 2024-07-18

    Simplifying some date code.

  • v14 2024-07-17

    Adding a better method of showing a toast at the bottom of the page when refreshing a feed.

  • v13 2024-07-17

    Adding a brief message at the bottom of the page as each feed is fetched.

  • v12 2024-07-16

    Fixing syntax error.

  • v11 2024-07-16

    Storing the user-provided API key in localStorage so it's kept when the script is upgraded.

  • v10 2024-07-16

    Refreshing feeds 1 by 1 every 15 seconds instead of all at once to reduce slamming servers with too many requests. Also triggering refreshes in order from earliest to most recently checked.

  • v9 2024-07-12

    Removing @grant, adding @run-at which is needed for Firefox.

  • v8 2024-07-12

    Fixing syntax error in version 7, and making feeds refresh every 12 hours instead of 24.

  • v7 2024-07-09

    Updating this to only check feeds once per day so feeds with rate limits aren't slammed with requests.

  • v6 2023-06-09

    Adding run-at and triggering on DOMContentLoaded.

  • v5 2023-04-26

    Fixing localStorage code so it refreshes properly.

  • v4 2023-04-26

    Made default interval 10 minutes.

  • v3 2023-04-26

    Now stores the last refresh in localStorage and uses that instead of hitting the API on every page load.

  • v2 2023-04-23

    Changing default refresh interval from 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

  • v1 2023-04-21