Overall, fantastic. Would like it to be easier to turn off individual features. I like the news ticker for example and I don't want to waste system resources on aesthetic alterations. The plugin's creators think their way looks 'better', the devs think their way is better, it's personal preference and I want whatever is lightest on system resources, it would have to look truly terrible for me to want to spend resources on it.
If you can move the trap equipment tooltip (which pops up over the charm in trap setup, when you hover over any trap, base or charm from their selection menus, making it impossible to open/reopen the charm menu) so it appears somewhere else, (or add a button to the tooltip for 'go away now'... ) that would be amazing. Moving the setup image to underneath the TEM button and trap equipment icons would also solve this, and for shorter screens, would also solve the issue of the TEM being off the bottom of the screen.
There used to be a plugin which would popup a 'sound horn' message window with button, over the top of whatever page you had open, as long as the game was open in another tab. You could sound the horn without having to go back to the game. Great for playing while working. Please add this. This is NOT a request for horn automation, just the equivalent of a notification on a phone app.
Overall, fantastic. Would like it to be easier to turn off individual features. I like the news ticker for example and I don't want to waste system resources on aesthetic alterations. The plugin's creators think their way looks 'better', the devs think their way is better, it's personal preference and I want whatever is lightest on system resources, it would have to look truly terrible for me to want to spend resources on it.
If you can move the trap equipment tooltip (which pops up over the charm in trap setup, when you hover over any trap, base or charm from their selection menus, making it impossible to open/reopen the charm menu) so it appears somewhere else, (or add a button to the tooltip for 'go away now'... ) that would be amazing.
Moving the setup image to underneath the TEM button and trap equipment icons would also solve this, and for shorter screens, would also solve the issue of the TEM being off the bottom of the screen.
There used to be a plugin which would popup a 'sound horn' message window with button, over the top of whatever page you had open, as long as the game was open in another tab. You could sound the horn without having to go back to the game. Great for playing while working. Please add this. This is NOT a request for horn automation, just the equivalent of a notification on a phone app.