Filter animes in the Home/New-Episodes pages to show only what you are watching or plan to watch based on your anime list on MAL or AL.
Are you tired of scrolling through endless unrelated episodes while trying to find your favorite anime? Say goodbye to the frustration and level up your anime watching experience with AniHIDE - Hide Unrelated Episodes!
Once installed, click the Refresh anime list button in the script's menu. It then loads your PTW/CW list from your MAL/AL account and intelligently filters out unrelated episodes from the current anime site's Home/New-Episodes page. No more wasting precious time on those pesky unrelated anime episodes... Finally, some quality binge-watching!
AniHIDE is designed to work seamlessly on all modern browsers with a userscript manager extension installed. It has been extensively tested on Violentmonkey for Microsoft Edge, ensuring maximum compatibility.
Note: This userscript requires you to have a MyAnimeList (MAL) or AniList (AL) account.