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ChatGPT GPT-4 Counters

Add counters (and reset time indicators) for GPT-4/Custom GPTs to ChatGPT

These are all versions of this script. Show only the versions where the code changed.

  • v1.3.2 2024-01-12

    Removed custom GPT counter/timer, since it's gone now.

  • v1.3.1 2024-01-09

    Fix refresh button not counting due to changes on the UI.

  • v1.3.0 2023-12-25

    Hide timers except when mousing over.

  • v1.2.2 2023-12-21

    Reset counter even if timer was already reset by external source.

  • v1.2.1 2023-12-19

    Set colors at timer creation (To ensure that if you've already hit the cap, the timer turns red when you open the page).

  • v1.2 2023-12-18

    Added a check at counter creation, to zero them out if the reset time isn't set.

  • v1.1 2023-12-18

    Change sorting of elements (Counters on top, timers on bottom) for better visibility.

  • v1.0 2023-12-18

    Added image.

  • v1.0 2023-12-18