Display on thumbnail that art was generated using AI!
Shows a small blue "AI" tag on thumbnails of deviations that are
* marked as "AI generated" by deviantart or
* have one of the tags specified.
The default tag-list is "ai","aiart","dreamup", but can be extended in the account settings
All thumbnails are checked, for example while browsing art, within comments, features galleries at the end of descriptions, "more like this" and other side-tab sections etc.
The script will check the thumbnails in the background while you browse.
This should not slow down the browser or cause much traffic (each request is only a few kb).
However, you can change it to only check "on hover", to only give you an indicator when you move the cursor over the thumbnail.
Instead of marking, the script can also hide the thumbnails.
In that case, the space becomes empty, which can lead to empty spaces in the image flow.
This might help if you don't want to see AI generated images, but they are not recognized by the system despite being tagged properly.
The script settings can be found in the account settings.
There you can set the list of tags for identifying AI-generated images, whether to check thumbnails on hover instead of instantly and wether to remove thumbnails instead of marking them.
External website: https://www.deviantart.com/dediggefedde/art/dA-showAiOnThumb-1006295677