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YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD

Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome

< Feedback on YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD


Posted: 2014-06-05

several issues in chrome and firefox

1.cannot change the player size
2.cann't find 1080p options for example this mv:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFf4AgBNR1E

Chrome (tampermonkey):
does not work at all

Posted: 2014-06-06

OK. I find that youtube is html5 mode in chrome so this script does not work at all. Could you support html5?

Posted: 2014-06-06

This is how to disable the HTML5 player in Chrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNfZHwfFOM

I don't think my script is working in Chrome with the flash player right now anyway. I'll work on it, though.

Posted: 2014-06-06
This is how to disable the HTML5 player in Chrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNfZHwfFOM

I don't think my script is working in Chrome with the flash player right now anyway. I'll work on it, though.

I found this solution yesterday, but it seems to block other html5 website as well. What about firefox? Are you going to fix the bug?


Posted: 2014-06-08
Edited: 2014-06-08
This is how to disable the HTML5 player in Chrome: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoNfZHwfFOM

I don't think my script is working in Chrome with the flash player right now anyway. I'll work on it, though.

I find this script supports both flash and html5, but it only has the feature to play hd video.


Posted: 2014-06-08
Edited: 2014-06-08
1.cannot change the player size

Yeah, that's been an on-going problem for a long time. Very hard to fix, not sure what causes it now.


2.cann't find 1080p options

1080p and higher aren't available with DASH disabled. Just the way YouTube works =/

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