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AutoGrind: Intelligent Bing Rewards Auto-Grinder

This user script automatically finds random words from the current search r###lts and searches Bing with them. Additionally, it auto clicks the unclaimed daily points from your rewards dashboard too.

< Feedback on AutoGrind: Intelligent Bing Rewards Auto-Grinder

Review: OK - script works, but has bugs

Posted: 2024-09-16

The script works fine for the auto dashboard redeem but the auto search dosent work unless I manually click them, please fix this but overall its a good script and I hope this keeps running for a long time.

Jery JsAuthor
Posted: 2024-09-18

Do you mean u need to manually press the auto search button on the top left to start the script? If so then thats the expected behavior.
There's no automated start feature, however u can achieve an even better effect by using something like task scheduler (if ur on windows) like this- https://imgur.com/B3PnBb8

But ur suggestion did give me an idea to add a auto start feature with which the user can set a time in the configure menu and after that time each day, the script will auto start itself.
I'll add it some time soon.

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