Adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.
This is a game client plugin for It adds race filters to the 'Game List' menu which allow to sort the list of new and open games by race. Additionally, for each race the player rank and tenacity is used to prune games for which the player is not eligible.
More detail can be found on
Change log:
0.22 Fixed description text for mentor games [2014-10-25] 0.21 Moved script location to [2014-10-25] 0.20 Moved script location to [2014-05-30] 0.16 fixed rank filters for cross race eligibility 0.14 allows to sort filtered games, added more filters 0.13 race selections can be cleared again. 0.1 initial alpha release