Adds MTurk Service Health RSS feed to your dashboard
I'm using this 'clickhappier-archive' account to post archival copies of old MTurk-related userscripts from (which is itself an archive of the defunct site and forum posts, which their authors or others haven't re-posted on Greasyfork yet. Some of these may no longer be all that interesting as more recent scripts may do what they do better, but some remain very useful.
This script was archived from
Author: ThirdClassInternationalMasterTurker
Script Name: MTurk Service Status RSS
Last update Dec 2, 2012 — Installed 13,456 times.
Script Summary: Adds MTurk Service Health RSS feed to your dashboard
Version: 1.2
Note from Clickhappier: Amazon doesn't update this feed very often, as there's usually several months between problems they consider worthy of a status update, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on it just in case.
Update: THIS SCRIPT IS OBSOLETE now. So this just happened, and there's no replacement MTurk-related feed available: "Tue, 3 Mar 2015 09:16:07 PST: Feed Deprecated: This RSS Feed has been deprecated. Please check and update your bookmarks." Later on Mar 3, a Service Health Dashboard link was added to the MTurk footer, but it doesn't provide an RSS feed.
For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.