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Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
Keep Mturk Autoaccept Box Checked JS - Keeps the autoaccept box always checked while working on hits on mturk.
MTurk - Expanded header info. - UPDATE JS - This script adds some extra features under the account header links on MTurk's site. New features include displaying of your transfer balance along with Worker ID.
MTurk HIT DataBase Legacy JS - Extended ability to search HITs you have worked on and other useful tools (CSV export/import, requester notes, requester block, pending/projected earnings)
Highlight Unhighlightable Text (CrowdSource) JS - Allows highlighting of unhighlightable text.
Captcha Counter JS - Counts the number of hits remaining before you get a captcha
MTurk Great HIT Export JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
ID Copy/Paste JS - Places an unobtrusive button on the page which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID. Edited by Tjololo12: Hover highlight for easy copy-paste, does not show on mturk pages
MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator JS - Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario
Mturk Expired-Queue-HIT-Death-Loop Rescuer JS - Redirects to queue view on expired queue HIT and continues on HITs with more time remaining
Show wage on HIT submit (Gershom Fix) Supreme Accuracy JS - Wage is based on the hit counter on the page which is more accurate to because it includes how long it took to load the page as well.
MTurk Message Receiver JS - Used in conjuction with other scripts to automatically open windows from links contained in HITs
Multi tab for Mturk JS - Adds Multi Tab link to open hits in 6 tabs
Virals Youtube Autoplay JS - Autoplay youtube video in virals
HIT Database Analytics JS - Analytics for HIT Database--makes pretty graphs
Hit to TM JS - Send hit to TM
Mturk Dashboard Privacy JS - Hide sensitive areas of your mturk dashboard with a Ctrl-click.
New HIT Monitor v2 JS - Browser and SMS alerts for mturk HITs
turkopticon-async JS - Review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
Overwatch for worker.mturk JS - A userscript for watching requesters on the mturk platform.
HSTM link JS - Click TM button on HS to send to TM
Thor Russell:Rate the audio file JS - Rate audio files easily
Overwatch to HF-MTS JS - Converts Overwatch's list to a HF-MTS import/export.
Go to empty queue JS - Goes to the empty queue page after you have fininshed all assigned tasks
Mturk Hourly JS - Record time spent working on HITs. Forked from [MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer v2.1.3 by @Kadauchi.
mmmturkeybacon PandA HEAD request JS - Accepts a HIT with a PandA link by a HEAD request instead of a normal GET request. Add &MTB_HEAD_REQUEST to the end of a PandA URL to run. This is a very bare bones script and gives almost no feedback to the user, so keep an eye on your queue and edit REQUEST_DELAY to suit your needs.
mturk request rate reloader JS - Automatically reloads pages which hit the refresh rate wall.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History (Classic Version) JS - Exports Mturk history to tab separated values so you can easily save the HITs you've worked on in a spreadsheet.
Discord HIT Export JS - Export HIT information for Discord chat
Discord HIT Export JS - Export HIT information for Discord chat
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
CH MTurk HIT Link Cleanup JS - On Oct 12, 2016, Amazon added a bunch of useless garbage variables to all the HIT links on MTurk search results pages, making your browser history no longer able to change the link color of HITs you've already visited. This script removes the garbage from those links so your browser history can work properly again. And if you put it first in your userscript execution order, it should also fix some other scripts that were affected by this garbage.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard (TheFrostlixen) JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment rates to the dashboard. Fixed source.
mTurk Dark Theme JS - Changes mTurk to a dark theme.
Queue Total Value JS - Displays the total reward value of the HITs on your current HITs Assigned To You page.
A9 Image Survey Clothes JS - Modified to refresh whenever it boots you out of the batch.
A9 Image Survey - 1 Location JS - Makes the A9 Image Survey - 1 (Location HITs) easier to do (only keyboard).
Fetch Total Number of Viewable Hits JS - Fetches the current number of viewable hits on mturk.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
Mturk Worker Queue Advancer JS - Advances to next HIT in queue for
turkoptiscript JS - User script for Turkopticon -- review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
HIT Scraper Ghost JS - Now hits hang around foreeeever.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
MTurk Captcha Alert JS - Alerts when a captcha is encountered.
MTurk Confirm Return HIT JS - A prompt to confirm returning a HIT to prevent accidental returns.
Preview and Accept MTurk HITs JS - Automatically accept HITs. Please be careful while using this. I'm NOT responsible for drop in your returned or abandoned HITs.
MTurk Great HIT Export With Hearts JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
Panda in Milliseconds JS - Panda (refresh) a page in milliseconds instead of seconds
Mturk Logout Time JS - This will show your estimated auto logout time and display a warning when the time drops below 30 minutes.
ZSMTurker's Combo Script JS - Combination script for common HITs
MTurk Time Tracker JS - Manual time tracking for MTurk. Use with MTurk Status Page Chart.
Return All JS - Adds a Return All link to the Mturk Queue page.
CH MTurk Page Titles JS - Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".
MTurk Dashboard Change Notifier (with 12-value mod) JS - Shows changes since last page load for 12 values in Earnings To Date, Your HIT Status for Today, and HITs You Have Submitted.
mmmturkeybacon Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment_rates to the dashboard. Saves stats and only updates them when "Update stats" is clicked to reduce page requests.
mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert JS - Alerts you if you've been logged out of mturk. Your dashboard page must remain open in a tab for this script to work. To have this script open a new sign in page when a log out is detected change OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN to true.
mmmturkeybacon Queue Order Fix JS - After completing a HIT anywhere within your queue (i.e. HITs Assigned To You), this script will automatically continue the HIT at the top of your queue.
mmmturkeybacon Scroll To Workspace JS - When a HIT has been accepted, this script scrolls the mturk workspace to the top of the window. When a HIT is being previewed, this script scrolls the 'Accept HIT' button to the top of the window, unless there is a CAPTCHA. Whenever a HIT is previewed or accepted, this script sets the iframe height equal to the browser's viewport height to ensure proper scrolling and gives focus to the iframe.
mmmturkeybacon Save Automatic Approval Time JS - Saves automatic approval time and shows the time
mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History JS - Exports Mturk history to tab separated values so you can easily save the HITs you've worked on in a spreadsheet.
mmmturkeybacon Single Page Queue JS - Shows all HITs in the queue on a single page.
mmmturkeybacon Add AutoAccept Checkbox to HIT Preview JS - Adds AutoAccept Checkbox to a HIT Preview
mmmturkeybacon Checkpoint Creator JS - Adds checkboxes next to HIT links so that you can set a checkpoint.
mmmturkeybacon Today's Projected Earnings JS - Shows the day's total earnings assuming all HITs that are
mmmturkeybacon Enhanced HIT Information Capsule (Shows Automatic Approval Time) JS - Changes the requester name to a link that searches mturk for HITs by the requester. Adds a link to the average Turkopticon ratings for that requester. Adds a contact link for the requester. Displays hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds in a human readable format.
mmmturkeybacon AutoApprove Time and Ghost HIT Buster JS - Shows formated automatic approval time and if a HIT is
mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints JS - Changes the title row of a HIT's description to match the average of it's Turkopticon ratings. Changes the color of the reward amount to match the color of the Turkopticon rating for pay. Adds colored checkboxes to show/hide HITs by color rating. Adds a gray checkbox to show only HITs for which you are not qualified. Changes the background color of the HIT title and link to white for Master's HITs. Changes the color of HITs for which you are not qualified to a darker gray. And more!
Today's Projected Earnings Plus Graph JS - Adds a projected earnings item to mturk dashboard
MTurk Worst Case Scenario Calculator + Gauge JS - Shows what your approval rate would be in worst case scenario
DTs Dashboard Charts JS - Adds charts to the mturk dashboard
MTurk Wage Reporter JS - Tracks a best-estimate hourly wage on active HITs being worked.
Mturk Expanded Header (Cached) JS - Gives you an expanded header on Mturk (Mechanical Turk) with transfer balance and Worker ID without polling on every page load. This will reduce maximum request rate errors for people that use expanded header scripts. This also works on the latest Firefox (the other scripts will break soon).
Mturk Title Fixer JS - Change the titles on Mturk pages to be more descriptive
MTurk Status Page Chart JS - Adds some, hopefully slightly useful, eyecandy to your status page
Confirm Report Hit JS - Ask for confirmation before reporting a hit to Mturk AHK friendly
CH Export MTurk Quals JS - Exports your Mturk qualifications as tab-separated values - adapted from mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History.
MTurk HIT DataBase Fixer READ DESCRIPTION!!! JS - THIS WILL DELETE YOUR HITDB! ENSURE YOU HAVE A BACKUP BEFORE INSTALLING/RUNNING THIS SCRIPT! This is designed to help if your hitDB says "Script monkeys are preparing to work" or whatever, but never actually doing anything. If you look in your console, you should see things like "Uncaught NotfoundError: Failed to execute 'transaction' on 'IDBDatabase': One of the specified object stores was not found." AFTER RUNNING THIS SCRIPT, DISABLE IT! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
MTurk Great HIT Export JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
MTurk QualSorter JS - Keep track of qualifications and create a more sortable list.
Clear BLOCK table in HITDB JS - Completely empty the BLOCK table in HITDB
- JS - Review requesters on Amazon Mechanical Turk
MTurk Great HIT Export (w/o TO) JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with relevant data (except for data loaded from TurkOpticon)
This Week's Projected Earnings JS - Adds a projected earnings for the previous week to dashboard.
Hit Timer & Hit Wage($/hr) JS - Track the time of the last HIT completed. This data is stored in the localStorage of the browser. Currently if times are recorded, they will show up on your daily status pages. - Ben; Added wage calculator on 2/14/2014 - android2102
CH Remaining HITs Replicator JS - Replicates the 'HITs Available' number underneath the HIT work area for ease of reference.
HIT Area Expander (with compact interface mod) JS - Adds a button to change the height of the working area for the hit.
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
Sticky mTurk Search Bar JS - sticks mturk searchbar on scroll
Dark mTurk Pages JS - inverts mturk page color
YChart HIT Helper JS - Opens the link on a Ychart hit
Amazon's Mechanical Turk: Always Show All Details JS - Always "Show all details" on Amazon Mechanical Turk search pages.
HIT Return & Accept JS - This userscript returns your current mTurk then accepts a new one. It also checks the "accept next hit" box.
Where Dreams Go To Die JS - (mTurk) This just adds some text under the Amazon mechanical turk logo. Made for sikk66 of
Mturk Contact Templates JS - Store multiple email templates on the Contact Requester page
Pending Earnings JS - Adds a pending earnings item to mturk dashboard
Page Background Grey JS - (mTurk) Changes the page background from white to grey
mTurkThemes JS - This script provides a UI that allows you to make and share themes for