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DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (with links) (mralaska version)

Monitors for new HITs from requesters on your list

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I'm using this 'clickhappier-archive' account to post archival copies of old MTurk-related userscripts from userscripts-mirror.org (which is itself an archive of the defunct site userscripts.org) and forum posts, which their authors or others haven't re-posted on Greasyfork yet. Some of these may no longer be all that interesting as more recent scripts may do what they do better, but some remain very useful.

This script was archived from http://masteroftheuniverse.com/misc/#hitmonitor

Author: mralaska

Script Name: DCI New HIT monitor (with links)

Last update 04/19/2014 (mralaska has been mostly inactive since April 2014)

Script Summary: The original DCI version may be enough for some people (notes below). On the DCI page he links to a forum tutorial with installation tips.
My version adds a little complexity. Most notably the option to generate a page of links instead of or in addition to an alert which can be more distracting. ...
This script monitors the recently created HITs on Mturk and compares it to a list of search terms that you can customize. It will then either open a page of links for you to follow or you can set it to issue an alert and freeze the search page for your review. Customization is accomplished using the source code but notes are provided in the code as directions. The approach of this script differs from applications such as Page Monitor because those applications make a separate query for each search string. This application makes a single query and compares it to a list that can be as long as you want it (I currently refresh once per second checking against a list of 500+ requesters). The disadvantage, compared to Page Monitor type programs, is that a HIT can sneak past you if you are stalled or using too slow a refresh rate. The default is 5 seconds which should be fast enough in normal circumstances.
My favorite advantage with this script is that I can search for an unlimited number of requesters without tripping the error: "You have exceeded the maximum allowed page request rate for this website."
* This script is based on the DCI script version 9000 from userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/399555 . The major difference is that this version selects an option by default to create a link page instead of freezing the tab using an alert. Query lists can be copied and pasted to and from the DCI script.
* LINK mode (default) opens a new page and adds links and makes a noise every new match. Best when multitasking or if you have a lot of search queries and wish to ignore some alerts. The script will continue adding links to the capture page but will not force immediate action. You can increase SLEEP_DELAY to give you time to investigate from the search page but default is to slow it down only briefly. Chrome users especially will find more use for the LINK mode (FireFox alert is less intrusive).
* ALERT mode will make a noise and then freeze the tab until you clear the alert. Best when working this script solely, or have it running in another browser. When an alert pops you stop what you are doing and visit the link from the frozen page. It is best to freeze the page using SLEEP_DELAY for a long enough time to investigate the link.
* To activate this script, visit or bookmark one of the links below.
https://www.mturk.com/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&qualifiedFor=on&sortType=LastUpdatedTime%3A1 or
* You can change the search parameters on Mturk as long as HITMONITOR is added as a query -> &queryflag=HITMONITOR (see link above)

Version: 9000.1

Review from Narwhalicorn: "I have a [mralaska's] modified version of DCI's HIT Monitor in incognito mode and logged off, set to 1 sec refresh and 5 sec refresh when a search query is found, to avoid constant dings. Once a search is found a pop-up appears with the links related to the search queries, I just leave that page on the side so it'll just update instead of pop-up again. Drag'n drop the link to main browser and grind away."

Note from Clickhappier: See also the original 'classic' version from DCI: DCI New HIT Monitor for mturk (classic version) , and two newer versions from DCI: DCI New HIT Monitor - Party Edition and New HIT Monitor v2

For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.