After a little debugging, it seems GM_xmlhttpRequest() in loadChapter() does no longer work as expected. The GM_xmlhttpRequest() can be substituted with ordinary javascript XMLHttpRequest() and the script works again (I am using the script with Firefox 42.0) :
function loadChapter(num,callback){ var replStr='\/'+String(num)+'\/'; var hr=location.href; var currentURL=hr.replace(/\/\d{1,3}\//,replStr); var htpreq = new XMLHttpRequest(); htpreq.onreadystatechange = function() { if (htpreq.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) { callback(htpreq,num-1); } }'GET',currentURL, true); htpreq.send(null); }
fix for partly broken script
After a little debugging, it seems GM_xmlhttpRequest() in loadChapter() does no longer work as expected.
The GM_xmlhttpRequest() can be substituted with ordinary javascript XMLHttpRequest()
and the script works again (I am using the script with Firefox 42.0) :
function loadChapter(num,callback){
var replStr='\/'+String(num)+'\/';
var hr=location.href;
var currentURL=hr.replace(/\/\d{1,3}\//,replStr);
var htpreq = new XMLHttpRequest();
htpreq.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (htpreq.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE ) {
}'GET',currentURL, true);