Enhanced keywords highlight for Search Engines and All !
< Feedback on Enhanced word highlight
我不确定什么是virtual words,这可能是机器翻译的问题,但是我想应该是这个意思!自定义默认不高亮的任何词,是我的意思。
关于适用性的问题,谢谢你!我尝试了设置Chrome的字体为默认,然后尝试了Font Rendering (Customized)这个脚本来放大字体,事情变得更好!我不需要过于缩小页面了,我可以接受目前的状态。
v1.6.4 is now available, please try it!
It is a primitive version to implement the function, so it needs you to modify the code manually.
In the script source code Line 244 |skip_word_list| , you can see words between the pair of quotation marks. Those words would be skipped highlighting when in highlight keywords. The picture below show the effect of not-highlighting those words.
You can just modify the words between quotation marks in Line 244, with each word seperated by a space. Then refresh web page to see it takes effect.
ps, I am ok to read and write in English, ; D
As I said, 1.6.4 was a primitive version, that it will have a bug to highlight some keyword while not showing its highlight count correctly. I have got why it happens, and a few moments later it will be fixed.
Sorry for the late reply. It's working great!! Thanks!
虽然脚本的设置里可以取消一部分的关键词高亮,比如一个字母,两个字母,但是一些更多字母的关键词最好也能取消,比如 the,among,等等. 我尝试定位js文件中的设置,但是没有看明确具体的地方.
另外,因为我的视力影响,我需要放大显示的字体.这使得[高级设置]中,难以显示完整. 我不得不缩放网页到很小,才能找到最下方的按钮. 这在一些其它扩展,脚本中也出现了.因此,我只是顺便问你,不知道是否有好的办法,可以一键解决?这样我更加感谢你的杰作!