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Posted: 2016-04-10

Script stopped working again

First noticed the failure on 4/7/16, last worked for me a week earlier. It looks like the URL that the script is generating is Null. Did the Bbc change something again and if so is it possible to fix it ?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Posted: 2016-04-10

update : it seems this is not every video. The Eastenders episode from 4/8/16 is downloading but the 4/7/16 episode and a couple of the others from that week r###lts in

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "null" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_07_04_2016.mp4

any suggestions?

Posted: 2016-04-12

I got the same issue and it was due to a flickering ### connection (sometimes detected by the BBC, sometimes not detected). Since you are writing dates in reverse ("American") order :smile: I may guess you are not in the UK and using a ###... is that possibly the case?

If I am correct, would you please try again?

If you are actually in the UK could you tell me which version of Greasemonkey are you using? The forum says you are using Firefox version 40.

Thank you. :blush:

Posted: 2016-04-19

Sorry for the slow response, i was away for the last week. You are correct I am outside the UK, must have been in the us too long if I have forgotten how to write the date properly :-)

As you suggested re trying the bad episodes r###lted in success.

Thanks again for the script and the support

Posted: 2016-05-30


Just passing to let you know that I'm having the same problem that was previously reported by peterSVS. I'm getting the "ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "null" " issue. Some urls are present and some are "null". One link that has persistently failed is http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b07d6q0x/later-with-jools-holland-series-48-episode-6

Unlike peterSVS, I AM in the UK. I'm using ver 3.43 with Chrome Version 50.0.2661.102 m

One thing I've discovered is that if I go into the script editor and run a syntax check, it gives two errors. First a warning at line 163 " Bad line breaking before '+'. ". Lines 162 and 163 are :-

$('#srt-link').attr('href', 'data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,'
+ encodeURIComponent(srt_list.join('\n\n'))).attr('download', get_title() + '.srt');

Second, at line 337 " 'playlist' is already defined. ". Line 337 is :-

var playlist = parts[0] + subdir + '/iplayer/playlist' + parts[1];

I hope this information is useful to you.


Posted: 2016-05-30

I too have the same issue with "null" population . I'm in the UK and I'm using Chrome 49 ( also tried 50 on other machines) but interestingly URL's which had previously worked on this exact same setup ...now no longer work

ie: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06g01kf ....I already successfully downloaded this ...BUT now it's returning a null


http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02864t8 is still returning a valid url (on akamai)

this would appear to suggest that BBC has moved to a new URL / domain and the script isn't picking it up.

again I'm using script ver 3.4.3 with Tapermonkey 4.0.25 and no ###.



Posted: 2016-05-30


if I go into the script editor and run a syntax check, it gives two errors

To be precise, those are warnings provided by the code quality checker, not syntax errors. Namely, the code could be improved in those two places but they are not errors. :blush:

Nevertheless, I have fixed them as well:


Peter and SeamusM,

thank you for providing links.

this would appear to suggest that BBC has moved to a new URL / domain and the script isn't picking it up

I confirm there was trouble analyzing some of the M3U8 URLs in the code that checks for the best quality. I check it because if you let ffmpeg pick the first one, it could be very bad.

Please check out version 3.4.4. :smiley:

Posted: 2016-05-31

Hi Lazza.
3.4.4. did the job, in both Chrome and Firefox. What an excellent response. A small donation will be coming your way.

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