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BBC iPlayer video download

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< Feedback on BBC iPlayer video download


Posted: 2016-12-21

[Suggestion] Link upgrade/change

Could you please tweak the script so that HTTPS is used instead ?
Similar to the subtitles links, It also would be more convenient for link copying, or clicking, if the bit between the "" was displayed like this site does.

ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "https://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-cd254149-02c6-426e-b8bd-038c3f571574_b077rl3w_1480002001015,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc Britain_s_Treasure_Islands_1_Ocean_Odyssey.mp4

The Windows VLC browser extension does not seem to work for HTTP URLs, and I see this error;
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-cd254149-02c6-426e-b8bd-038c3f571574_b077rl3w_1480002001015,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8" on this server.
Reference #18.5790dd58.1482307215.147e07d

However, it works if I add the extra S.
As HTTPS seems to work in VLC (and browser plugin), Media Player Classic - HC, and FFMPEG, would you agree it makes sense to opt for the more private and secure streams as the default ?
The URL says ".../secure_auth/..." but without HTTPS it is not secure or authenticated.

Posted: 2016-12-24

The Windows VLC browser extension does not seem to work for HTTP URLs

The URL you provided works fine in VLC both with and without HTTPS. Are you sure it is not something else? The HTTP URLs are provided by the BBC by default, the script is not forcing that.

The secure_auth piece is just a weird part of URL they decided to put in the address, there is nothing authenticated (or confidential) in those videos. I've added your suggestion in version 3.6.3 because using HTTPS is generally speaking a good idea, not because the script wasn't working before. :smile:

Posted: 2017-01-08

Actually I had no problem with either http or https, only with the standard VLC browser plugin (possibly Windows only).

Yes the URL including secure_auth, is just for show as far as I can see.
I have tried making HTTPS only rules for the BBC site to enforce the use of the expensive certificates they paid for, but BBC force you out of HTTPS everywhere you go after login, except for the media caches which they do not own.

Thank you for swapping to secure links they keep away from the public.
Us lucky few now have the most private BBC viewing.

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