Easily download videos from BBC iPlayer (with youtube-dl)
< Feedback on BBC iPlayer video download
This has nothing to do with the update. The BBC changed their website a few days ago and consequently the old download method is not valid anymore. I will need to see if it can be updated to match how videos are served on the new website.
Please try version 3.4 and, if it works, consider updating your rating.
Thank you. I had the same problem but the update works now. It doesn't show the progress during download or exit on completion, but it does work, thanks!
Thanks for a great tool!
Following the recent BBC webpage update i am having trouble with the download. Files will stop after just a few MB and just hang.
I was able to get one file complete but it was about 20% smaller than expected ... is the new script pulling the same resolution//quality as the old one?
THanks in advance for any help / advice you may have
apologies, it looks like operator error on my part. I simply left the script terminal alone for a while and the download did complete. Still interested in the resolution /quality question though. If it is possible to restore the previous level of output so we can see the progress that would be appreciated. Not sure why Ubuntu did not report the filesize growing during the download without me closing and reopening file manager.
is the new script pulling the same resolution//quality as the old one?
The script goes for the highest quality available. I don't know if the BBC started to reduce quality for their videos, but I don't think so.
If it is possible to restore the previous level of output so we can see the progress that would be appreciated
You can remove -v 16
but you will be inundated by warnings about small errors in the playlist the BBC is providing. By the way, the -stats
flag is supposed to show the progress.
It looks like the beeb may have changed something again... the details in the ffmpeg command look different from the normal format i was previously seeing, below is the output of the script and the ffmpeg error response received this weekend.
command line copied from the output box on the webpage....
ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-0a46125a-563a-4ae1-939f-bb2ca1116f15_b08077r3_1476078211770,800kbps/modav/bUnknown-0a46125a-563a-4ae1-939f-bb2ca1116f15_b08077r3_1476078208649*~hmac=c5c77de4f5c42da67f1fe9155d2f47a98e22444f2f8345aa1563102e383ced19" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_21_10_2016.mp4
Error response .....
http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-0a46125a-563a-4ae1-939f-bb2ca1116f15_b08077r3_1476078211770,800kbps/modav/bUnknown-0a46125a-563a-4ae1-939f-bb2ca1116f15_b08077r3_1476078208649*~hmac=c5c77de4f5c42da67f1fe9155d2f47a98e22444f2f8345aa1563102e383ced19: Invalid data found when processing input
I hope this is not something that will kill your excellent script.
I infer you are talking about this episode (please always specify a link when you are encountering problems). :smile:
the details in the ffmpeg command look different from the normal format i was previously seeing
Mmm that's weird. Are you in the UK or using a ###? I get this with a ###:
ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-0a46125a-563a-4ae1-939f-bb2ca1116f15_b08077r3_1476078211770,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_21_10_2016.mp4
that is the correct episode, sorry i didnt identify it explicitly i figured it was obvious from the stuff i cut/pasted. i will be more thoughtfull in future. note i got the same error with all the episodes from that week. i have yet to try any from this week.
i am infact using unlocator (unlocator.com) to access the site and playing in iplayer does work.
looks like a false alarm... i just tried the latest episodes and they are working so went back to last week and they are now good. still confused why the videos would play in iplayer if there was a problem with the smart DNS of unlocator but who am i to question the streaming gods. thanks for you continued support of this script.
still confused why the videos would play in iplayer if there was a problem with the smart DNS of unlocator
Videos in different qualities might be streamed from different domains or subdomains. Say for instance that the iPlayer website uses a RTMP stream on your computer and my script extrapolates a M3U8 stream. Those may not be served by the same domain.
If the SmartDNS doesn't proxy one of these two domains, then you have a problem. :wink:
once again i am having issues, not sure if it is just my configuration on if the beeb has updated something. the problem showed up when trying to download any of last weeks (Dec 26th through 30th) eastenders shows eg http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0881gdg/eastenders-01012017
here is what i get when trying to download. as previously the video does play in iplayer
sagepc@ubuntu:~$ ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "https://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-371cbea0-c2af-44fc-bbf1-b87c9686caee_b0881g81_1481964707721,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_01_01_2017.mp4
https://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-371cbea0-c2af-44fc-bbf1-b87c9686caee_b0881g81_1481964707721,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8: Protocol not found
thanks and happy new year!
This error message is not very good:
https://[...]: Protocol not found
It seems your ffmpeg
version is old and it doesn't recognize the HTTPS protocol that I recently enabled by default due to another user's suggestion. Please ensure you are using a recent version of the program.
You might get a static build from here: https://www.johnvansickle.com/ffmpeg/
Thanks for the suggestion i will try it out and let you know
OK i updated the ffmpeg to 3.2.2-1 and now have a differnt error ...
sagepc@ubuntu:~$ ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "https://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-2232825c-4192-41b9-b05a-7168e7b18631_b0881htv_1482413887660,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_03_01_2017.mp4
[tls @ 0x7f467e9a9fa0] A TLS fatal alert has been received.
https://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-2232825c-4192-41b9-b05a-7168e7b18631_b0881htv_1482413887660,.mp4.csmil/index_0_av.m3u8: Input/output error
FYI my ubuntu version is 14.04 if that matters.
If it's not a problem for you, I would suggest you try with the HTTP version to see if you can record the stream.
Thanks that was a good suggestion and it worked.
If i ever find the time to investigate/fix the problem i am having with https downloads i will post back here.
Happy New Year!
edit ... sorry ... false alarm ... once again this resolved itself after a couple of days. you can ignore the original message below
With apologies for reviving this thread again .... I think the beeb may have changed something ... I can get the videos for Eastenders up to 3/6/2017 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08hwlkx/eastenders-06032017 ) but the episodes after that (eg http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b08hwln7/eastenders-07032017 ) seem to have some additional data in the ffmpeg command line (starting at *~hmac in the example below)and they return a 404 file not found error.
ffmpeg -v 16 -stats -i "http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-76e41841-2e92-4622-965e-23d36e323d7a_b08hwllq_1488301111274,800kbps/modav/bUnknown-76e41841-2e92-4622-965e-23d36e323d7a_b08hwllq_1488301111899*~hmac=d541a0917a67f7d1cd8cf6502bd1526f8aab2141022b25d9b81bb5f5dd339947" -codec copy -qscale 0 -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc EastEnders_07_03_2017.mp4
http://cp401489-vh.akamaihd.net/i/iplayerstream/secure_auth/,3200kbps/modav/bUnknown-76e41841-2e92-4622-965e-23d36e323d7a_b08hwllq_1488301111274,800kbps/modav/bUnknown-76e41841-2e92-4622-965e-23d36e323d7a_b08hwllq_1488301111899*~hmac=d541a0917a67f7d1cd8cf6502bd1526f8aab2141022b25d9b81bb5f5dd339947: Server returned 404 Not Found
I hope this is not going to be too difficult to workaround.
the script stopped working
Before the update, everything worked fine. After the update , no download link shows up. Tried both greasemonkey and tampermonkey wit this script, same thing. My ### is just fine .