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Yahoo direct non-tracking search

Strips tracking and redirection from Yahoo search urls

< Feedback on Yahoo direct non-tracking search

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2017-02-14

Thanks. I think I've fixed the bug. Try updating the userscript.

Posted: 2017-02-14

search.yahoo.co.jp onmousedown event href change.

search.yahoo.co.jp#%#Object.defineProperty(window, 'lswap', { get: function() { return function() { return true; } } });
this rule add.

リダイレクト - futomi's CGI Cafe

mousedown change code

リダイレクト - futomi's CGI Cafe

Posted: 2017-02-14
Edited: 2017-02-14

The script works for me - it shows the direct links and opens then directly as seen in devtools network panel. Maybe something else is getting in the way for you, some other userscript or extension.

Make sure you've forced an update of this script in greasemonkey.

Check the console (F12 or ctrl-shift-i) for any related errors.

Posted: 2017-02-14
Edited: 2017-02-14

It's work.

chrome + Violentmonkey

*yahoo.tld/* can not run script

so i add *yahoo.*/*

Posted: 2017-02-14

Thanks, I've updated the script with the explicitly specified domains.

Posted: 2017-02-15

firefox + Greasemonkey

install error


Posted: 2017-02-15

Thanks, fixed.

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