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Evernote Web HTML editor

This scripts adds a button to edit the HTML code of a note in Evernote Web

< Feedback on Evernote Web HTML editor


Posted: 2018-10-28

Fantastic! Could you please update including the new interface?

Recently Evernote has updated to new web interface. I tried your script and it works well in old interface, but not showing in new interface. I am now using both interface because both have their own strength and weaknesses

Posted: 2018-10-31

Thanks for your feedback. I would like to, however currently Evernote is actively blocking users wo do not use Chrome.

As a Premium subscriber, I have to say this pisses me off a bit. It's not like I am running Internet Explorer 8, I am running the latest version of Firefox and apparently they consider me worth less than other users.

So currently I am sticking with the stable interface and I am not using the beta.

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