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Tumblr Plain Blog Links

Allows you to disable Peepr side panel that pops up when you click on a blog name.

< Feedback on Tumblr Plain Blog Links


Posted: 2017-06-24
Edited: 2017-06-30

Doesn't work on slide out blogs

In case that's what you're looking for.

Posted: 2017-06-26

Oi! Sorry, dude, this script has been abandoned for a while since I don't use Tumblr as much as I used to.
Now that I know it's being used I'm working on the update, however! Sadly, it's a lot trickier than it was before.

Posted: 2017-06-27

Okay, I've uploaded a new version. Feedback would be appreciated, since I might have missed some places where that side drawer is called.

Posted: 2017-06-27

Still not working. In the preferences I saw it was only for the dashboard. I even added the URL of a Tumblr, same result. Although, we're talking about the dashboard blog/slide out blog, right?

Posted: 2017-06-27

Strange. I did design it for the dashboard only, indeed, nothing else!
What are you trying to use it for?

So far it works for me when I click:
* Post header (user who reblogged/user who was reblogged)
* User avatar
* Source link
* Any user name in a reblog chain
* Any of the suggested blogs on the right
* Blog name in a notification

Any of that opens Peepr drawer on the right side by default. With the script active it doesn't.

Posted: 2017-06-28

Other blogs, mostly.

Posted: 2017-06-28
Edited: 2017-06-28

Erm. I never saw Peepr side-drawer popping up when on a blog page (a-la blogname.tumblr.com/whatever), so I'm under impression that it only works on the dashboard. Can you give me a couple of examples of such blogs, so I can investigate?
Preferrably specific pages whever it happens, and specific links I need to click.

Edit: or wait, do you mean pages for your own blogs, like "tumblr.com/blog/blogname"? Lol, I forgot those are a thing. Those are dashboard-like, so lemme check.

Edit2: Seems to work fine on "www.tumblr.com/blog/*", so I added those URLs.

Posted: 2017-06-28
Edited: 2017-06-30

Here's an example: [redacted] When I mouse over the poster's link, I get the normal Tumblr URL for an individual post. When I click the link it automatically forwards to https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/[user name]/[post number]. Completely breaks navigation. But I haven't heard those described as Peeper before. Tumblr calls them "dashboard blogs", probably to make it impossible to Google them.

The same thing happens with Recommended Blogs on my Dashboard, but I hardly click on those. As for the Dashboard itself, I use another Greasy Fork script to hide reblogs on it so I don't see many new links on there.

Posted: 2017-06-29

I've checked out the link you provided. Unfortunately, the redirection is done server-side (server responds with HTTP code 302 Found), not client side. Like this:
http://barloejones.tumblr.com/post/128946827896 => https://www.tumblr.com/login_required/barloejones/128946827896 =>https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/blog/barloejones/128946827896
So there seem to be no way to open the first link as a normal post. =\
That's the first time I see something like that. It requires you to be logged in to Tumblr to view the post, too. Some kind of age restriction (18+) method? I dunno.
Sorry that I couldn't help you any better.

As for Peepr, it's some kind of internal name I picked up when browsing Tumblr JS code. I guess that's how the devs call the side-drawer engine. =)

Posted: 2017-06-29

Well, poop. Yeah, it seems to be some kind of access control thing Tumblr thinks is awesome and everybody else hates. Hopefully it passes.

Is there a way to delete these comments? It's not really valid feedback on your script, and it's showing up on Google.

Posted: 2017-06-29

I think you can just edit the opening post and change the topic icon to yellow. AFAIK it means neutral vote or something. Anyway, I'm not bothered.
Besides, you gave me a reason to review and update my scripts again, so thank you for that. ;)

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