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Maknyos AutoIn

Auto click to a link mostly for download purpose, iframe killer. Supported hosts: zippyshare, mediafire, sendspace, uptobox, cloud.mail.ru, adf.ly, and many more...

< Feedback on Maknyos AutoIn

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2015-10-02

solidfiles and datafilehost not working

Great script, thanks! Couple of broken sites though:

- solidfiles.com is not working, maybe because of Content Security Policy??
- datafilehost not working either. Fyi, at the moment datafilehost is serving the adware "download manager", whether you uncheck the box or not. You'd have to get the URL from the button, and strip off the "downloadfilesnow.info" part at the front.

Posted: 2015-10-02

Can not reproduce your issues, yet. Using example links stated in frontpage everything looks okay*, here.
*) disabled ghostery & ublock, using latest Chrome / FF, console show no error from the script (v3.6.3).

You might have another link that act differently regarding to its size?
Thanks :)

Posted: 2015-10-03
Edited: 2015-10-03

Hi, I'm using FF 41.0.1 on Mac 10.10.5, tested with new clean profile, no other addons or blockers installed except Greasemonkey and the script v3.6.3.

The example links work for eg. sendspace, mediafire, zippyshare, etc. - when I click on the links, it goes to the page and the download starts right away.

But with the example solidfiles and datafilehost links, when I click on them, it goes to the page, but no download starts, nothing happens. The Greasemonkey menu says that the script is enabled on that page.

I also had trouble with the examples for yandex, 2shared, firedrive, and idup - the download didn't start.

Posted: 2015-10-06

Some patches has applied in v3.6.6 for [solidfiles, datafilehost]; It's no longer supporting firedrive, btw :|
Another hosts you've mentioned [yandex,idup], I still dont see they act with different dom by spoofing user-agent string;
maybe I need to test it on another (real) gear :D ..

Posted: 2015-10-07

Ok, with 3.6.6, solidfiles and datafilehost now automatically download. Unfortunately, they both download the wrong file. You get their "download manager" app that installs all kinds of malware, instead of the real file.

Solidfiles is easy to fix, instead of clicking the "Download" button, you have to click the text link that says "Direct download link".

Datafilehost is harder. It used to be that if you unchecked the box that says "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads", then the Download button would give the real file instead of the malware installer. But starting about a week ago, unchecking the box doesn't work, and you get the installer anyway. The only way to get the real file is to copy the link of the Download button, and strip off the first part that says "http://dfh.zdt.downloadfilesnow.info/handle?fl=", and then unescape the rest, i.e.: http%3A%2F%2Fwww.datafilehost.com%2Fget.php%3Ffile%3D54ebd06a%26m&fs=1.97+MB&d=KnightsBCourt.rar

Idup seems to be working now. 2shared works too, though only the first time - if you download the file, then you have to reload the page the next time you go to it, or the auto-download doesn't work. The file seems weird though, the filename says "PLANET TERROR (2007) 720p Brrip 1426MB .zip", but it's just a 300kb file that contains some kind of .exe...? Yandex still doesn't work, it goes to the page but the download doesn't start. Anyway I don't use those ones, it's just solidfiles and datafilehost I need. Thanks!

Posted: 2015-10-07
Edited: 2015-10-07

some of the example files I pick `em up from random places. Anyway, I just update it just for test-case scenario.
Patch update applied v3.6.8. touched host: [solidfiles, datafilehost, 2shared]

Posted: 2015-10-07

Great, solidfiles, datafilehost, and 2shared all working now. Yandex not, but I don't really need it... Thanks a lot!!

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