Displays numbering next to the up-to-25 HITs on each page of MTurk's daily status detail reports. Also shows HIT assignment ID in mouseover text, and copies it on click.
Displays numbering next to the up-to-25 HITs on each page of MTurk's daily status detail reports:
[page number].[number 1-25 of HITs on that page] ( [overall multi-page HIT number in that set of detail pages] )
Also shows HIT assignment ID (the number seen in bonus emails) in mouseover text for the number column, and copies it on click.
Daily status detail pages are accessed by clicking on the dates on the Status overview page, and can be filtered by HIT status using the 'Show:' drop-down menu.
This is my implementation of a partial concept posted by Kerek. I decided I've found myself counting rows often enough for various reasons that this was something I'd like to have.
See also: my MTG thread post; related script: mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History
For many more MTurk-related userscripts, see the Turking Scripts set.