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dm5/dmzj/manhuagui/copymanga/tongli/colamanga - navigate with keyboard JS - [a / ←]prev page, [d / →]next page, [w / ↑]next chapter, [s / ↓]prev chapter, [q]newer comments, [e]older comments, [r]load all comments new-to-old on dm5, [t]load all comments old-to-new on dm5, [esc]stop loading more comments on dm5, [v]picture size switch between one-page/actual
Dmzj External Search JS - Adds external search links to search for the anime
屏蔽动漫之家10秒广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Manga Loader JS - Load all manga in current page, only available on and
Dmzj Anime Downloader JS - Get anime download links from
DMZJ Auto Loader JS - Load successive pages
dup JS - dmzj update predict