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Ikariam Enhanced UIJS-Enhancements for the user interface of Ikariam.
OGame: Shorten messages linksJS-OGame: usefull for some internet connections
OGame: Moon Spy and RecyclerJS-OGame: directly spy a moon and send recyclers from galaxy view
OGame: Cargos necessaryJS-OGame: Number of cargos necessary to transport all resources
OGame: Perfect PlunderJS-OGame: Displays how many small transporters or large transporters needed to raid the planet or moon
OGame: SmiliesJS-OGame: Smilies in messages
OGame: Resources on TransitJS-OGame: Displays resources on transit
OGame: Search playersJS-OGame: Displays players' info in the search page
SpyShareJS-SpyShare for Ogame: Allows you to share spy reports with your buddies even if you are not in the same alliance
Ogame Alt StatisticJS-Ogame Alternative Statistic
Ikariam Upgrade Watcher 3JS-Attaches a simple icon on each building which show level and if upgradeable
Ikariam desktop notificationsJS-Runs when you have ikariam open and provides push notifications when the advisors lights up.
OGame RaidsTableJS-Raids table
ogame highscore improvedJS-Some improvements to the highscore like a bar to switch between lists even if you are scrolled down.
OGame Redesign: Show Players' Status in the HighscoresJS-Colors the player names in the Highscores the same way they look in the Galaxy
OGame - Chat AlianzaJS-band of brothers
OGame RaidsTableJS-Tableau de raids
improveV6JS-improve message for OGame V6
Ikariam AutomationJS-Attempts to automate all the routine tasks in ikariam, like transporting wine
OGame Hidden ColonyJS-Shows the update timestamp of your planet APIs, helping you to make a hidden colony to hide your activity.
Ikariam desktop notifications v 7.8.3JS-Runs when you have ikariam open and provides push notifications when the advisors lights up. Inspired by Ikariam desktop notifications by Danielv123.
Ikariam Upgrade HelperJS-Attaches a simple icon on each building which show level and if upgradeable. Inspired by popular Ikariam Upgrade watcher by Anh Tuan Nguyen Dao, updated to game version 7.9.0
Stats CounterJS-try to take over the world!
Yarolds Referrer Close ItJS-Closes game referral links at Yarolds
Yarolds Close ItJS-Closes Non Action links at Yarolds, and does Actions then Closes Action links at Yarolds
OGame Board : correctif temps écouléJS-Corrige les erreurs du forum du type "{if $days > 1}{$day}{else}Hier{/if}, {$time}"
Gladiatus Battle BotJS-Expedition, dungeon, circus turma on colddown
IkaTweaksJS-Improvements for Ikariam
Auto-select OGame accountJS-Redirect to current Ogame account if only one is available
BiteFightJS-Auto-play for BiteFight game. This script will help hunting, training and working automatically for you. (Only tested for Werewolves)
GladiatusJS-Auto-play for Gladiatus game. This script will help in expeditions, dungeons, training and working automatically for you.
ArrangementsJS-try to take over the world!
Premium OverviewsJS-try to take over the world!
Total Resource Amount In QueueJS-try to take over the world!
Ikariam - Check island slotsJS-Ikariam - Check slot availability on a specific Island
Gladiatus ToolsJS-Set of tools and aids for the game Gladiatus
OGame: Resources on TransitJS-OGame: Displays resources on transit
Expedition Game SystemJS-Sistema seleziona flotta e coordinate
Ogame Expeditions Return NotifierJS-Plays notify sound when expedition returns
Empire OverviewJS-Script for Ikariam 8.x.x, Overview tables for resources, buildings and military inspired by Ikariam Empire Board
BiteFightJS-Auto-play for BiteFight game. This script will help hunting, training and working automatically for you. (Only tested for Vampire)
Fast ExpeditionsJS-Facilitate expeditions
OGame -- Green Text for Overmarked Pop/Food ResourcesJS-Change text color to green for specific elements with 'overmark' class
InfoCompleteJS-InfoCompte script for OGame
Better BiteFightJS-Adds an healthbar, energybar, links and other QOL to BiteFight