Showing English r###lts only. Show r###lts for all languages.
✨Roblox Game Filter JS - Enable the 'Old-School' Game Filter, decent for finding the perfect game.
Hello, User! JS - Brings back the thing where roblox welcomed you.
Roblox Get Universe Id JS - Get the universe id of each game, showen next to "Report Abuse"
Robux changer 😎 JS - Press escape on a roblox site to change robux. Not real robux.
Remove Roblox App Banner JS - 9/21/2022, 4:55:02 PM
Fix glitched Roblox versions JS - Fix glitched Roblox versions and disable Roblox desktop app. [Original by BabyHamsta]
"Avatar Shop" to "Catalog" JS - A simple thing that replaces "avatar shop" with "Catalog" because its annoying
Block Roblox Desktop App Banner JS - Want a break from the ads? This userscript blocks the annoying "Explore Roblox in our Desktop app!" banner
Age Menu Hider JS - Hides how much stupid age menu for old accs without age you have.
Desktop Ad Hider JS - Hides stupid play on desktop app ad.
ROBLOX 2016 Promocodes Page JS - you need that userstyle after installing this userscript: . ig you this this is broken, please contact on to this link up here!
2006-2015 roblox logo JS - Older logo with a ROBLOXcom: 2006-2015
Trade - ROBLOX JS - Just Trade - ROBLOX
Old text for games title JS - Games instead of discover!
Old Version of old Roblox games title (2014) JS - 2014 games titles
old Roblox catalog/avatar shop titles (2014) JS - Avatar Items, Virtual Avatars, Virtual Goods
old Roblox bc page titles (2014) JS - Neen Builder's Club?
Roblox Bypass Date and Gender Verification JS - This is a script that allows you to bypass birthday and gender popups on rovlox
2011 - memories JS - DM me on Discord for any suggestions or early-updates, lol - yoshi.#0069
Early 2012 roblox blog CSS - makes roblox blog pretty
Remove useless menus | Roblox JS - Removes the anoying desktop app banner on tehe roblox websire
Friends removal button & last online time JS - Adds button that deletes selected friend, and also shows last online time.
[ROBLOX] Password To Text JS - this will remove the °°°° aka this and it will show your password if you want to login to an other browser without hard time
StyleShift JS - W Description
Roblox Limited Item Thingy JS - shows more information about them in the catalog pages and trading menu.
(OLD)UGC Sniper (pain)(for roblox) JS - pain sniper is the newest one
Roblox Rainbow Colours For Text JS - Want to make Roblox look more RGB try this!
Roblox Random Rainbow Colours For Text JS - Want to make Roblox look more chaotic while also looking kinda nice try this!
Fix Asset Thumbnail [Roblox] JS - Fix Asset Thumbnail in Old Roblox Marketplace Menu
Hải CP VN JS - This will force you to stay in Hải CP VN (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
Revert channel builds JS - This will revert any channel builds that Roblox has placed on your account and revert them back to the normal version everyone should have.
Revert channel builds JS - This will revert any channel builds that Roblox has placed on your account and revert them back to the normal version everyone should have.
Revert channel builds JS - This will revert any channel builds that Roblox has placed on your account and revert them back to the normal version everyone should have.
Roblox RGB Color Wheel Effect for Buttons JS - Adds a color wheel effect to the play button and the purchase button on Roblox game pages.
UGC Sniper (pain)(for roblox) JS - reload page and spam buys pls dont skid
Ropro Icon Hider JS - Hides Ropro Icon
Better Roblox Friendslist Icon Hider JS - Hides Better Roblox Friendslist Icon
Roblox+ Icon Hider JS - Hides Roblox+ Icon
2014-esque Roblox CSS - now you too can give roblox a personality!
UWP Private Servers JS - Join private servers using UWP
Robux changer 1 JS - Shockingly realistic robux changer. Combine Robux changer 1 with Robux changer 2 (both made by me)
Robux changer 2 JS - This robux changer only works on Anywhere else is unstable. Combine Robux changer 2 with Robux changer 1
Best Robux Prank! JS - [Best Robux Prank, Try Now!]
Group AutoClaimer (Automaticaly join and claim ownership) JS - Claim ownership instantly
Roblox Layered Clothing Bypass JS - A Tampermonkey script that bypasses Roblox layered clothing.
Roblox Web To UWP Joiner with Stylish Button JS - Adds a stylish button to redirect you from Roblox web to Roblox UWP
ROBLOX 2012/ 2013 CSS - roblox 2013 in only css
Black Theme for Roblox JS - black theme for ur roblox website, enable roblox dark theme to make it work: Settings > Theme > Dark.
ROBLOX 2013 FAVICON JS - this script brings back the 2013 logo of roblox to match with melo's 2014-esque roblox theme
Roblox Additions JS - Changes to site CSS cannot do
RoBanScripts JS - (working as of 2023-09-06)The working stream sniper script without using exploits.Modified and working version of RoSniperX by Lukas Dobbles
Roblox Game Blacklist JS - Lets you blacklist certain games based on their names
Robux Fake😎 JS - fake roblux
✅Verificado 💰Roblux 🚀Fallows JS - Adiciona o nome encontrado com um ícone de verificação, espaço e margem superior no final em todas as páginas e define um valor fake de Robux como "153k" no site
Bypass Missing Information JS - Hide the missing information box.
Roblox Snlmbe Access Menu 🚀 (Version 3) JS - 👩🏽🚀 This script adds a user-friendly menu that provides quick access to important links, replacing the navigation menu on the Roblox website. The menu is located in the bottom center of the page and allows easy navigation to essential destinations. This version includes various enhancements.
ARGJ (Auto Roblox Group Joiner) JS - Join a Roblox group automatically when you click on a valid group link
Auto ZNext Channel JS - This will force you to stay in zNext (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
Auto ZNext Channel JS - This will force you to stay in zNext (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
Roblox group claimer with auto join, and discord webhooks JS - Finds unclaimed roblox groups and sends them to a webhook, or auto joins them!
Monogon JS - Monogon Tampermonkey Script
Corny Ban/Offensive item changer JS - Changes the offensive item
Old Roblox Icon JS - Changes favicon to the old logo
test1 JS - idk new style the current one itches me
Test JS - Do not install
Avatar Price Viewer JS - Gets the price of a user avatar and the singular items when you go to their page
ROBLOX 2016 Sign Up Page (Continue) V2 JS - Test Description
RoQuotes JS - Bring back roblox quotes to profiles! Put in your roblox about q"Text you want" to add quotes to your profile. (Only shows if you have the userscript)
Nyan Cat's badge hunter assist script JS - Hide earned badges, keep track of badge updates in thousands of games, and more!
RBLX rearrange tabs JS - 4/8/2024, 7:37:51 PM
Better Roblox Website JS - Makes the Roblox Site look better.
Roblox Gotham Font JS - Get the original font back
Change font to old JS - Made by TheMoon
Revert to Old Roblox Font JS - Change the font on Roblox Website back to the old font (Gotham) Based off verticalfx's userscript just slightly better.
MEMEBLOX JS - Turn Roblox Into Pure Memes!
Developer Forum Old Top Design JS - Title Inserter
[Recommended] Roblox's cleanest designed game filter JS - Automatically filters and removes roblox games containing certain phrases or words. (By default is set to RNG game's)
Roblox Prank JS - redirects any game you join to another (first release - 4/30)
Calculator English version JS - just a calculator to do division
Calculator version francais JS - juste une calculatrice pour faire des division
Revert channel builds JS - This will revert any channel builds that Roblox has placed on your account and revert them back to the normal version everyone should have.
✅ Snomy Verify | Roblox Verification Badge JS - A simple script that adds the Roblox verification badge to your name.
Robux Display Modifier JS - Modify displayed robux amount to "20M" instead of "39" on page refresh for
Anti-Builder Sans JS - Restores HCo Gotham SSm!
Roblox Smart Server Join JS - Join Roblox servers intelligently based on server size, including private servers with debugging logs
fake hyperion detect roblox | PRANK SCRIPT JS - crash roblox script
Roblox Home Cleaner JS - Roblox Home Page Cleaner with the option to toggle on or off "Today's Picks", previously known as Roblox Recommended, Sponsored and Events remover
Mark United States servers on Roblox (use with btr) JS - its just puts a green circle next to the word United states on roblox
Late 2020 Roblox Ban Screen Script JS - Reverts to the 2020-2024 Roblox ban screen.
RoMod JS - A modded version of RoPro.
Roblox 2010 JS - balled sack
Revert "Charts" Update JS - Killing Charts on Roblox
Roblox Font Reverter JS - Reverts the horrible font roblox pushed in April.
Bring Back Discover JS - i love shaq
SEO toggle JS - Standard Enabled Offline toggle
UGC Pain Sniper Modified JS - Fixed version........ui actually shows up lol.......
Robux changer 2 JS - This robux changer only works on Anywhere else is unstable. Combine Robux changer 2 with Robux changer 1
Roblox - Home Page Improvements JS - Remove "Recommended For You" and "Sponsored" sections from Roblox home page.