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🌟 Ultimate Web Enhancer 🚀 JS - A powerful script to enhance YouTube, Facebook, X, Spotify, Reddit, Twitch, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Discord, GitHub, Google, Wikipedia, eBay, Hulu, Quora, Medium, Stack Overflow, IMDb, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and more with intelligent features.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Twitter/X(web version)videos/4kPhotos/gif download.[limbopro] JS - Twitter/X(web version)videos/4kPhotos/gif download.[limbopro] / Download tweet original images(4k) with one click and save by username
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Download videos/pictures with one click | Automatically package them into a ZIP file for batch download
One-Click X/Twitter Media Downloader (Android/iPhone support) JS - Download images, videos, and GIFs from X/Twitter with one click, and save them with user ID and post ID in default settings. You can customize the filenames of downloaded files. On Android/iPhone, all attached media can be downloaded at once via a ZIP archive.
Twitterᴾˡᵘˢ JS - Enhance the X(Twitter) user experience. View original quality images and customize the removal of spam tweets.
X(Twitter) - Add notes to the user JS - Add notes (aliases/tags) for users to help identify and search, and support WebDAV sync
Twitter Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Download Media with Cobalt API JS - Adds a context menu item to download media from supported video sites using a direct URL.
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
The Internet gets better: No Cookies 🍪 JS - First version: gets rid of cookies 🍪🍪🍪 Let me know wich website it doesn't work on
TweetXer JS - Delete all your Tweets for free.
Cobalt Tools Video Downloader JS - Adds a context menu item that downloads the current page's video.
Twitter/X Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
Twitter: Hide Retweet JS - Hide retweet, like, reply, and follow posts on your twitter timeline.
Twitter image viewing enhancement JS - Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
Twitter External Translator JS - Adds external & internal translators to various sites.
Privacy Redirector JS - Redirect social media platforms to their privacy respecting frontends
Open-Source Alternative Redirector JS - Redirects you from proprietary web-services to ethical alternatives(front-end).
[Twitter]Note_Tweet expander JS - Long tweets will expand in the TimeLine without having to press "Show More".
Twitter AD Filter 推特广告过滤 JS - Hide ads in tweets. 隐藏推特中的广告。
Twitter remove content warning JS - Remove twitter content warning
X/Twitter Clean menu and sidebar (Supports multiple language) JS - hidden Menu,Grok,Premium subscription,Verified Orgs,other,Explore,Notifications,Messages,Communities,Bookmarks,Right Column and Customizable Settings
TwitterGreyBackground JS - grey background for twitter
Twitter Settings sub-menu JS - Add sub-menu for Twitter settings for quick access.
Flitter JS - Position Twitter feed at left
Twitter expanded image JS - Replace image address to original and adjust single image's height. Work in with
Yarolds Close It JS - Closes Non Action links at Yarolds, and does Actions then Closes Action links at Yarolds
Twitter Original Image Link JS - Simple script that replace an image link with an original image URL if you click links on Tweet for navigating the image on new tab or copying the URL.
Twitter Video Download JS - Adds a button to download video from a tweet
Twitter hide content warning crap JS - Makes it so nothing is marked as sensitive.
Twitter Show Sensitive Content JS - No more extra click to show stupid tweets!
auto-task-v4 JS - 自动完成 Freeanywhere,Giveawaysu,GiveeClub,Givekey,Gleam,Indiedb,keyhub,OpiumPulses,Opquests,SweepWidget 等网站的任务。
Hello tweet where are you from. JS - Displays from which client the tweet was sent.
[Twitter]Show me big pics. JS - Increase the resolution of the image on TL and clicked.
Show date normally on Twitter JS - Like this, 70/12/31(Th) 23:59:59.
Twitterを少し便利に。 JS - 私の作ったスクリプトをまとめたもの。と追加要素。
- (Twitter) - Auto Show Sensitive Content JS - (Twitter) Auto Show Sensitive Content. You Don't Have To Click "Show" Button Anymore When Reading NSFW Tweets With Blur Alert. 推特自动显示色情暴力内容,不再被模糊化。
Twitter & X - Media only mode JS - Removes all text from tweets, leaving only the pictures & videos.
Full URLs for Twitter JS - Replace URLs with the original
Remove Twitter Homepage Images - by JS - Remove Twitter Homepage Images -
Canonical links JS - Remove URL redirections added by some social networks. Use HTTPS for other shorteners. Improve privacy.
Twitter - Match username with user color JS - Change the color of the username to match with the desired user color
Retina Twitter JS - This is a bastardizatoin of Frederick888's Wider Twitter script designed to make maximum use of a retina Macbook 15 inch display.
GameMOEs JS - Makes Twitter boards considerably cuter to browse.
Prevent Twitter Popup JS - This script bypass twitter popup and go straight to profile page.
TwitterCashtag JS - Add StockCharts, YahooFinance AND stockTwits links to any CashTag .
twitter conversation opener JS - expands conversations?
Twitter black background JS - Changes twitter's new image-less background to a more palatable color
Twitter dark Background JS - Twitter with a dark background
Dan Gilbert Comic Tweets ! JS - Dan Gilbert's tweets show up in Comic Sans.
Vlamtweet JS - Replaces the Twitter "like" button with a tiny Vlambeer logo, effects included.
Tweetdeck starry, not hearty JS - Sets Tweetdeck back to using stars for favorites.
Twitter BEER JS - Replaces the heart for a beer
Twitter Tweet Auto Open JS - Auto-open tweets if scrolled to top of page
twitter hearts to favs JS - don't tread on me
Mediablock JS - Closes social media from 7 AM to 6 PM inclusive on weekdays, 6 AM to 10 AM Saturdays, and completely free on Sundays!
Twitter Last Read Tweet Tweak JS - Makes the "last read tweek" marker more obvious
Twitter usernames > "real names" JS - Make usernames more prominent, "real names" less promiment.
Inline Thumbnail JS - Expand to view thumbnails in the row.
Twitter Instagram Cards - Photo Viewer JS - Now that Instagram have pulled their twitter support, this script adds back inline instagram photos.
Traditional Twitter RT + Instagram Card JS - Old School RT Functionality for New Twitter, Allows retweeting with Comments
Twitter last read JS - Keep track of your read tweets.
- bypass JS - fairly self explanatory, but just in case, this package will replace urls on twitter and tweetdeck by using other attributes in the anchor tag.
Twitter Carefree JS - Remove stuff from Twitter, like following/followers, retweets and likes count.
Twitter CTRL-T Fix JS - Prevent Twitter from hijacking keyboard shortcuts like CTRL-T for new tab.
Twitter Non-native Retweet MOD JS - Add "Retweet with comments" link to tweets
OpenTweetImageOrig JS - ツイート画像をクリックで原寸大表示します. (Click to open tweet image as original size)
Remove 'Who To Follow' from Twitter JS - Removes the 'who to follow' box on as of 02/09/2015
TweetDeck Sizer JS - Небольшой подарок любимой Ивичке
Twitter Show Hidden Content JS - Removes the "sensitive material" warning on Twitter and unhides the content
twitter_dout JS - Twitter にダウトボタンを追加するスクリプト
Twitter - add unread notifications count in the tab title JS - Adds unread notifications count in the tab title
Hide WtF and Trending on Twitter JS - Hides the WtF (Who to Follow, abbreviation theirs) and Trending modules on the side. Made this because however adblock hides elements leaves an ugly gap.
Twitter profile replies hider JS - Hide replies on Twitter profiles
Twitter profile retweets hider JS - Hide retweets on Twitter profiles
TwiShell JS - Enhance Twitter Web with lots of features.
clinton JS - Turns clinton into an emoji
twitter toLocaltime for new UI JS - Rewrite twitter timestamp to localtime for new UI.
Pop-up actual time for TweetDeck JS - Pop-up actual time with hovering mouse over relative time for TweetDeck.
TwitterプロフィールページにTwitter関連サイトのリンクを追加 JS - TwitterのプロフィールページにTwitter関連サイトを開くリンクを付け加える
Fix Twitter Layout JS - fix twitter layout. Move the post box back to left side. Put titlebar inside timeline.
hintable new tweets for vimperator JS - this script makes twitter new tweets bar hintable for vimperator/vimium, just hit `f` and you'll see
Open Tweet Image JS - A thrown together script to open a tweets image in a new tab.
HTTP-to-HTTPS redirector JS - Replace http:// with https:// in the address bar, to make sure you're using the SSL-encrypted version of a page. Only enable for pages that you know are SSL enabled.
Old Twitter (black) JS - Old style Twitter layout.
Twitter Carefree (Delete Button Hider) JS - Remove stuff from Twitter, like following/followers, retweets, and likes count. Also removes delete button
TwitterInstaCleaner JS - Removes promoted-tweets(ADs), follow suggestions and trending tweets sections
Twitter Mobile - Enter to send message JS - This script allows user to send message by pressing the enter key on Twitter Mobile DM
Twitter video links JS - Показывает прямые ссылки на видео в твиттере. Direct twitter video links showing in the bottom of the player.
Twitter Original Image JS - Add ":orig" to twitter images.
Block sites JS - Block sites (such as Baidu, etc.) You can edit the block list in the script.
Twitter Auto Show New Tweets JS - Shows new incoming tweets. Adds a button to jump to the last tweet before adding new ones.
画面上のツイートをテキストでコピー JS - ツイートのユーザー名、本文、statusidを一行にまとめてコピーするやつ