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Chaoxing Automatic Learning Tool[AI Answer][One-click start] [Minimize run] JS - 【mobile phone supported】Supports videos, chapter tests, documents, live broadcasts, homework, and exams of [Chaoxing], [Xueyin Online]; scripts can be started with one click, run automatically on a single page, and can be minimized and run without interruption; does not occupy network speed or traffic; [300 millions questions] covers 99% of questions, supports single-choice, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, judgment [picture questions, programming questions, listening questions]
AutoPager JS - ⭐Append the next page content to the bottom seamlessly (like a waterfall, Unlimited scrolling, no need to manually click on the next page) ⭐, support various forums, social networking, games, comics, novels, academics, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo...) and other websites~
Pagetual JS - Perpetual pages - powerful auto-pager script. Auto fetching next paginated web pages and inserting into current page for infinite scroll. Support thousands of web sites without any rule.
Audio and Video Enhancement Script: Supports infinite speed adjustment, video downloading, and more. JS - Audio and Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
Picviewer CE+ JS - Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically
M3U8 Video Detector and Downloader JS - Automatically detect the m3u8 video of the page and download it completely. Once detected the m3u8 link, it will appear in the upper right corner of the page. Click download to jump to the m3u8 downloader.
RU AdList JS Fixes JS - try to take over the world!
Remove web limits(modified) JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.revised version
Image Downloader JS - Images can be extracted and batch downloaded from most websites. Especially for websites the right click fails or image can not save. Extra features: zip download / auto-enlarge image. See the script description at info page (suitable for chrome/firefox+tampermonkey)
TimerHooker JS - it can hook the timer speed to change.
Dark Mode JS - Simple and effective network-wide eye protection mode (night mode, dark mode, black mode)
Font Rendering (Customized) JS - Enhance browser’s font rendering without installing MacType. This script offers a high-quality, customizable experience with ‘Microsoft YaHei’ font by default. It provides advanced features such as font rewriting, smoothing, scaling, stroking, shadowing, selective element handling and more. Designed for both general and personalized rendering, compatible with popular browsers, script managers & extensions. Configure via the script manager icon or keyboard shortcuts.
Remove web limits JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
My Phone Video Script JS - Full-screen landscape, fast-forward and rewind, long-press for speed adjustment. Designed for Kiwi and Lemur browsers.
DownloadAllContent JS - Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
Mouseover Popup Image Viewer JS - Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.
Bypass Instagram Login Redirects JS - a workaround to bypass Instagram login page
Cotrans Manga/Image Translator (Regular Edition) JS - (WIP) Translate texts in images on Pixiv, Twitter, Misskey, Calckey
Easy Offline JS - Find out all magnet links and torrents and video links in current page, and stream them from cloud storage automatically.
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
adblock helper JS - simple "adblock detected" remover
Advanced Adblocker JS - A comprehensive adblocker script for Tampermonkey
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy JS - Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
Switch Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese JS - Convert between simplified and traditional Chinese characters on any webpage, display the Pinyin for the Chinese characters, customize text replacement.
Magic Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS JS - Finds available userscripts for the current webpage.
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal) JS - Unlock right-click, remove restrictions on copy, cut, select text, right-click menu, text copying, text selection, image right-click, and enhance functionality: Alt key hyperlink text selection.
Clean Tracking URLs JS - Clean all tracking URLs, block tracking events on all websites
Don't Get My IP JS - Blocks the capture of the IP address done by an external API request.
Script Finder+ JS - Script Finder allows you to find userscripts from greasyfork on any website.
RSS+ : Show Site All RSS JS - Show All RSS Of The Site (If Any)
TimerHooker English Version JS - Control page timer speed | Speed up to skip page timing ads | Video fast forward (slow play) | Skip ads | Support almost all web pages.
Video Downloader for Tampermonkey JS - Will add a download button to various websites such as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter
HTML5 video player enhanced script JS - Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
Small Window Preview JS - Drag a link to open it in a popup window with a preview before opening, using Edge's prerendering technology. Also, add an acrylic effect behind the window when it's open.
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
Pop-Up Blocker JS - Simple but effective popup window blocker. Also tries to deny unsolicited redirections.
Comic Looms JS - Manga Viewer + Downloader, Focus on experience and low load on the site. Support you in finding the site you are searching for.
PreventPageVisibility JS - Block websites from knowing if you switched tabs/windows
Save Page JS - Save page as single HTML file.
Translation between Chinese and English JS - Web pages translated into Chinese, English and foreign languages
YoutubeDL JS - Download youtube videos at the comfort of your browser.
Dark mode JS - Enable dark mode with only one line of CSS
[Working! ] Lootlink and Bypass JS - Bypass link shorteners and ads on lootlink and
Time Hooker JS - Hook the wait timers for websites that use them to delay content
SimplicityBlock JS - The lightest, most unobtrusive and safest ad blocker that blocks almost all ads.
AI Page Summarizer Pro JS - 网页内容智能总结,支持自定义API和提示词
URL Shortener Unshortener JS - Adds small button next to shortened URLs ( on Twitter and other sites that will replace the shortened URLs with their real locations and vice-versa. Useful for when you don't want to blindly click links.
Picture In Picture JS - Provide picture in picture functionality to HTML5 videos on supported browsers
Remove web limits (re-modified) JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
google translate element JS - Automatically inserts Google Translate Element into the page. Translate the entire page without leaving page or opening a new tab. You can use it more conveniently by editing the source code and setting the variables "includedlanguages" and "ignorelanguages" appropriately.
Geoguessr Cheat JS - Press SHIFT + ALT + G and the location of your current geoguessr game will open in a new tab
Always on focus JS - Prevents websites from knowing that you switched tabs or unfocused the window
Smart Dark Mode JS - It is a smart dark theme that automatically switches to a dark screen when the background color of the homepage is bright. Provides a filter function that allows users to add or exclude URLs to apply directly.
Web Access Accelerator JS - Web page access accelerator based on Google quicklink to speed up the opening of web pages and improve browsing experience
Cracking replication login, removing replication suffixes, web page global Optional JS - You can circumvent the restrictions that prohibit login and replication. It allows you to copy and paste freely on web pages without being restricted by copyright notices.
Double-click Image Downloader JS - Double-click images to download them.
Translate webpage JS - Mimicks chrome's built-in page translator. Can be used as a userscript (from the context menu or always on) or as a bookmarklet (clicking the bookmark translates the page). For Firefox and chrome
Bypass Paywall JS - Adds a context menu option to bypass an article's paywall.
Custom Crosshairs for Krunker,, and Anything Else. JS - Custom Crosshiars For Literally ANYTHING--Hide The Menu Using "P"
medium-bypass JS - Bypass Medium paywall
InstantPage Super Lite JS - Preload/Prefetch page on hovering.
[Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood JS - Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)
Stop Nefarious Redirects JS - Block unauthorized redirects and prevent history manipulation
pURLfy for Tampermonkey JS - The ultimate URL purifier - for Tampermonkey
Auto Copy Selected Text and Remove Copy Restrictions JS - Automatically copy selected text on any website and provide options to enable/disable removal of copy restrictions and auto copy functionality, as well as show/hide button
super fast load JS - Enhance your browsing with Super Fast Load! Stop YouTube autoplay, add download buttons, and block ads, pop-ups, and trackers. Speed up slow connections, save data, and preload links for quick access. Hide cookie banners, disable location tracking, and block unnecessary scripts. Optimize for VPN/Tor, lazy load images and videos, and boost download speeds. Improve website loading by optimizing media elements and reducing ad buffering. Experience faster, safer browsing today!
No Ad IFrame JS - No Ad IFrame created by Stay
WebRTC Spoofer JS - WebRTC Spoofer (Logitech Brio 4K & Blue Yeti Mic as Virtual Matrix 4) with Video & Audio Requested Good For an Uhmegle
Remove web limits JS - Pass to kill most of the site, you can lift the restrictions prohibited to copy, cut, select the text, right-click menu.
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
Add Controls to HTML5 videos JS - Adds controls to HTML5 videos
RefLinkGenerator JS - Generate reference link in all kinds of markup languages like html, markdown etc and copy to system clipboard.
Popup Video JS - Popup online video out of the webpage
My Mouse Gestures JS - A simple mouse gesture script
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
AdsBypasserLite JS - Bypass Ads
Block Popup JS - This script will block all popup.
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Redirect remover JS - Tính năng: xoá redirect link
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
W.A.R. Links Checker Premium JS - this script automatically checks links from hundreds of filehosts. For Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari & edge.
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
Lazy Embedded Video JS - Lazy load embedded videos from Youtube/Dailymotion/Vimeo/Rutube/Twitch/Coub/Rumble
Inject2Download JS - Simple media download script
Tool for register with invite code JS - Just a tool for register with invite code
highlight-my-interest JS - highlight keywords in my favorites
AC-必应取词+翻译 JS - 一个可以在浏览器中自由使用的屏幕取词脚本-alt+鼠标翻译,或者选中按Q翻译;必应智能翻译,翻译精准
Visited Lite JS - Mark all visited links as custom color.
SaveTube+ JS - Download videos from web sites.
Google Translator Tooltip Expanded Fork JS - Translates the selected text into a tooltip automatically. Fork from
PageExpand JS - All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Generate a link from text. Extend BBS. etc...
Flash Accelerate JS - 开启FlashPlayer硬件渲染加速
Open links in new tab JS - Open links in new tab. Ctrl-click or Middle-click loads it in background
Allow Copy and Context Menu Continued JS - Allow Copy (include hot keys and some css) & Context Menu. Disable (remove) copy text protection and allow copy for all sites. Thanks Lex1 for example
Katakana Terminator JS - Convert gairaigo (Japanese loan words) back to English
Google Weblight JS - Adds a button at the top right corner to view the web pages in Google Weblight (For Faster Loading of Webpages)..
Set HTML5 media player volume JS - Script to set the volume of <video> and <audio> elements to reduced value (defaults to 50%), with a menu item to change for the current page.
AdSkipper JS - Skip urls
HTML5 Video Frame Screenshot JS - Adds ability to take a screenshot from the current frame of a HTML5 video element and be saved to a file named "video_frame.jpg" or "video_frame.png" (image format is configurable). This script is intended to be used as a bookmarklet using this URL: javascript:hvfs_ujs()